Friday, December 6, 2019

Book Nook: Mindfulness for Teens in 10 Minutes a Day - Exercises to Feel Calm, Stay Focused & Be Your Best Self

Ten minutes is how long a teen might spend scrolling through Instagram in the morning, texting their friends for help with homework answers, or catching up on a group chat about the latest relationship drama and gossip. What if parents could take back just ten minutes a day and help teens stop stressing about the things that are leading to overwhelming feelings around relationships, social media, homework, tight schedules, and life planning? That’s exactly what adolescent psychotherapist, Jennie Marie Battistin has created in her newly released book, Mindfulness for Teens in 10 Minutes a Day: Exercises to Feel Calm, Stay Focused & Be Your Best Self Including 60 practical guided mindfulness exercises with names like “Show Me The Love” and “Procrastination Pit”, teens will learn how to bring focus and joy back to their day, and equip them with stress combatting tools they’ll carry well beyond their teen years.

I had a chance to review this book. It had some exercises that would even be helpful for parents, although it was much more clearly geared towards teens. My older daughter enjoyed some of the exercises in the book. Practicing mindfulness and self-reflection is great for people of all ages, especially teens, no matter what their current outlook on life is.

Explaining why mindfulness exercises can help regulate daily stress, Battistin says, “In 2011, Sara Lazar and her team at Harvard found that mindfulness meditation can actually change the structure of the brain: eight weeks of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) was found to increase cortical thickness in the hippocampus, which governs learning and memory, and in certain areas of the brain that play roles in emotion regulation and self-referential processing.”

About Jennie Marie Battistin:
Jennie Marie Battistin, MA, LMFT, is a licensed marriage family therapist in the State of California. She graduated Cum Laude with a Masters in Clinical Psychology from Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA. Battistin began her career working with teens on Burbank High School campus and is a frequent guest speaker at high schools in Southern California. She has also been a facilitator for Angst: A Documentary on Anxiety, which helped create a dialogue of support between students, teachers, and parents on the challenges of coping with anxiety. As a mother of grown children, Battistin has a strong passion for helping teens and parents develop tools and resources to help navigate challenges and mental health concerns facing today's teens. The founding director of Hope Therapy Center Inc. Marriage and Family Counseling of Burbank, CA and Santa Clarita, CA, she and her team plan to expand offices to Orange County, California and Washington State as well.
Learn more at and find Jennie Marie Battistin on InstagramFacebook, and Twitter.

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