Monday, December 23, 2019

Free Book: New Year, New Me

Free eBook. “New Year, New Me” by pastor/author Mike Signorelli, (published V1 Church-2019) is an eBook for those who need a quick start guide to go from chaos to clarity. If you have the desire to finally reset your life and begin moving in the direction of your dreams, but are tired of the encyclopedia length programs, this book is for you. The practical steps and powerful analogies will dispel confusion and enable you to finally take the next steps into your purpose. As we approach 2020, there is a collective sense that we need to take responsibility for our lives and finally allow the “new me” to break through old habits, old thought patterns, and old cycles.

Why do you think so many people get “stuck” in life?
Broken escalators turn into stairs. I think a lot of people get stuck in life because things don’t turn out like they planned, and they lack the ability to see the gift in the breakdown.

Why do people start something and never see it through?
Everyone is consistent. We consistently eat. We (me, especially), consistently drink coffee. I think the real question is—why couldn’t we be consistent about that particular project or goal we had? I think this is almost always a vision problem. When you reverse engineer true vision, it produces discipline. Most of us are more in love with the effects of accomplishing the goal than the process, or even the final product. A true artist doesn’t toil for the approval of people, but rather, the love of the craft. If you’re writing a book to be an author, that vision will never produce a book. But if you’re writing a book for the love of language or the conviction of the message, that vision will produce the discipline necessary to finish the goal.

How do you help people move from chaos to clarity?Chaos is a really dramatic way of saying “lack of knowledge and strategy”. Professional musicians feverishly reading and performing sheet music in an orchestra may appear to be chaos to me, but it’s only because I lack the knowledge, strategy, and expertise necessary to thrive in that environment. I help people by assessing where they are in life and then deploying the necessary training and resources so they can grow in competency to the point where the chaos starts to sound like a well-orchestrated song.

What does the “V1” in “V1 Church” mean and how does this apply to the book?In aviation, “V1” is the stage in flight when the plane first takes off of the runway. Pilots around the world declare, “V1” and momentarily take their hands off of the controls as the plane lifts off of the ground. This velocity speed is synonymous with the phrase, “no turning back”. Whether there’s an engine fire, a blown out tire, or malfunction in the cockpit, a greater force of nature has taken over and the plane has to fly. There are times in life when the runway ends, and “V1” has to be declared. There is no longer a plan-b, or an escape hatch.

How do I get access to this book for free?
I initially made this eBook available to my three location congregation here in New York City metro, and it benefited them so much, I started to get requests all over the US and different parts of the world. That’s when I decided to put it on my website as a free download in hopes that it would help many others.

Do you have plans to release another book?
Yes! I am currently writing my first feature length book entitled, “GO V1”

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