Saturday, December 7, 2019

Mealtime Magic: 8 Chanukah Recipes from

The Jewish people have been celebrating Chanukah, or the Festival of Lights, for centuries. All around the world, families light the menorah, play dreidel, and eat diet-busting fried foods to commemorate a great miracle that happened in 130 BCE.
Why fried foods? The story in brief: The brave Maccabees defeated their oppressors, who wanted them to worship only Greek gods. It was time to purify and rededicate the Temple. There they found only one small jar of oil, enough to keep the eternal light aflame for just one day. But miraculously, that light continued to burn for eight days!
Oil symbolizes the victory of light over darkness. Thus, fried foods like donuts and latkes are traditional fare throughout the eight days of Chanukah. But that doesn’t mean these goodies have to be ho-hum, say the food and lifestyle experts at
With a few basics on hand – like Manischewitz mixes, Bartenura Olive Oil and Tuscanini jams and sauces – and some creative recipes from, you can rock every Chanukah meal with a different treat! Read on for de-LIGHT-ful main dishes such as Pulled Brisket Taco Latkes from Chef Esty Wolbe, and modern twists on traditional desserts such as Savory or Sweet Donuts (top them with crushed cookies or goat cheese and balsamic glaze), and Berry Cheese Latkes from Chef Naomi Nachman.
Serve them with a Chanukah-inspired Golden Wine Spritzer. Utilize Manischewitz cooking hacks such as potato pancake mix and donut mix to get gourmet results while reducing your prep time in the kitchen.
More Chanukah Recipes from
Gluten-Free Chanukah

Chanukah Recipes for the Kids:

Chanukah Party Snacks

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