Monday, December 9, 2019

Sleeping Baby Interview

Sleep deprived parents of newborns can finally receive some well-deserved rest. Sleeping Baby, makers of the popular Zipadee-Zip swaddle transition, are excited to be launching the Zippy Swaddle. Set to launch on November 20, this is Sleeping Baby’s first product aimed specifically at newborns and it will be joining a lineup of successful infant apparel by the Texas-based brand.
The Zippy Swaddle features an innovative design. Created with newborn safety and comfort in mind, the swaddle has triple reinforced swaddle wraps meant to go around the bellies of newborn babies. These well-secured belly wraps imitate the sensation of being held, providing newborns with the security and extra snuggles needed to maintain restful sleep throughout the night. The wellness benefits of the Zippy Swaddle don’t just end at providing sleep, these wraps also aid in deterring colic in a newborn babies.
The Zippy Swaddle also includes a bottom opening zipper to make late night diaper changes quick and easy, without having to remove entire swaddle. By keeping the baby snuggled while changing diapers, parents and caretakers can prevent disturbing the sleep of their newborn.
Sleeping Baby will also be releasing fleece Zipadee-Zips and Flying Squirrel toddler pjs, offering a winter-friendly option for parents. These  swaddles and pjs are made of lightweight micro-poly fleece, which stays at a pleasant 72 degrees Fahrenheit, making them the warmest and thickest option for babies and toddlers 
Sleeping Baby will also be offering new prints for some of their staples such as the Zipadee-Zip and will be in Sleeping Baby’s store soon. 

Why was Sleeping Baby created?
Sleeping Baby was co-founded by Stephanie and Brett Parker after countless sleepless nights due to their daughter’s “Moro,” or startle reflex, that causes a baby to suddenly jolt awake. Stephanie created the first Zipadee-Zip with some fabric and her sewing machine. The first night her daughter wore her creation, she slept 12 hours straight. 

What sets its products apart from other baby swaddlers?
The Zipadee-Zip is actually NOT a swaddle OR a sleep sack... it is a Swaddle Transition sack for babies 3 months or older.  Once a baby can no longer be swaddled, because they begin to roll, the Zipadee-Zip eases that transition off of the swaddle by providing slight resistance in the arm span to give a baby a womb-like fit but still the ability to use their arms to push up and roll over.  A baby is able to self-soothe back to sleep while having full range of movement!  This is why the Zipadee-Zip works when other traditional sacks fail.  In addition to easing the transition off of the swaddle, it also help prevent scratching, keeps those little hands warm all night long and aids the transition off of the bassinet to the crib.  

What was your favorite piece of advice for getting babies to sleep well?
Schedule!  Babies don't know how to tell time so the best way to encourage longer, sounder sleep is by being as consistent as you can about eat time, play time and sleep time.  It helps set their internal clocks to know when to do what.  Consistency and a flexible schedule is the quickest way to sounder sleep but it DOES take commitment and diligence when it comes to putting that in place.  It sure pays off though, for baby and for YOU!

About Sleeping Baby
Sleeping Baby was founded out of Stephanie and Brett Parker’s desire to ease their baby's sleep. Two and a half years after creating the first Zipadee-Zip, the Parker’s went on the popular ABC reality TV show, Shark Tank, and accepted Daymond John’s offer. However, they ended up not taking the investment during the negotiations after filming. Despite turning down John’s deal, Sleeping Baby has continued to grow their ethically-made, high quality products now sold online across the U.S., Europe, Japan, Canada and Mexico. With products ranging from the swaddle transition product to apparel for toddlers and children, Sleeping Baby is continuously expanding their product selections. They currently reside in Fort Worth with their two children, Charlotte and Maverick. For more information, please visit

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