Saturday, May 9, 2020

Parenting Pointers: The Baby Manual Courses

Post by Oksana Korsakova
Did you know that most people spend at least 45 hours to learn how to drive a car? In order to adopt a baby, prospective parents are required by law to take 10 hours of baby care education. Yet millions of parents welcoming a newborn in the U.S. each year are given absolutely no information on how to care for that baby when they leave the hospital.
It is this stressful journey of finding myself completely unprepared with my own daughter that inspired me to create 'The Baby Manual' video courses. I brought together over a dozen industry experts, including board-certified pediatricians, CPR instructor, lactation consultants, licensed marriage therapists, and certified sleep coaches. Our class is a complete solution, covering 4 hours of practical tips on baby gear, setting a routine, breastfeeding, reducing crying, health emergencies, travel, finding childcare, and overall adjustment to parenthood. Dads love learning through our visual classes, which makes them much more engaged when the baby arrives.
I believe there is so much more we can do to support our next generation of parents-to-be. If we empower them to be calm, confident role models for their babies, our entire society benefits.
I am so passionate about this topic, that I've made all classes available for free during the Covid-19 pandemic:

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