Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Smart Safety: Selah Freedom Trainings

Navigating the online world is tricky for both children and their parents, especially during these past months when children have been quarantined at home and using the internet in record numbers. While parents may be confident to help their children with the day-to-day challenges of life, including the effects of social isolation, they can suddenly find themselves on unfamiliar and on scary ground when it comes to their children’s’ experiences online that put them at risk of abuse and exploitation by online predators.

Two highly insightful live virtual zoom prevention trainings called “Let’s Take a P.A.U.S.E. for S.A.F.E.T.Y” and “How to Talk Body Safety With Children” have been developed for parents their children that will help raise awareness of this critical issue that affects thousands of American children in every state. Selah Freedom - a national organization whose mission is to end sex trafficking and child exploitation – developed the comprehensive resources for parents to attend alongside their K-5th grade children.

1 out of 10 children are sexually abused, which is one of the roots of sex trafficking. Selah Freedom is committed to equipping parents and children to stay safe from abuse and exploitation and “Let’s Take a P.A.U.S.E for S.A.F.E.T.Y” is for parents and their children to participate in together and will provide comprehensive tools for parents to engage in ongoing dialogue with their children and teach them about the traps predators lay. The second zoom training, “How to Talk Body Safety with Children” is geared specifically for Adult-Interveners/Parents who will be educated on how to talk to their K-5th grade kids about child abuse prevention. During the trainings, The Selah Freedom team of experts will explain the importance of talking about body safety rules; the difference between a secret and a surprise; how to stay safe online and the off limits "bathing suit zone." Participants will leave this training with resources to facilitate these conversations with their own children. Prior to the training, parents will be sent a downloadable/printable worksheet their children will utilize throughout the training.

Both trainings require registration. A link for virtual training will be emailed upon registration.

  1. How to Talk About Body Safety with Children will be offered on Thursday, June 25th, 2020 at 5:30 pm ET. This training is developed for parents only. Click here to register.
  1. Let’s Take a P.A.U.S.E. for S.A.F.E.T.Y. Trainings for Parents and Children will be held on Thursday, July 9th, 2020 at 5:30 pm ET. A Link for virtual training will be emailed upon registration. This live Zoom training is developed for parents to attend alongside their K-5th grade children.  Click here to register.

“Protecting our kids from predators is our top priority.” Says Elizabeth Melendez Fisher Good, Co-Founder President/CEO, Selah Way Foundation/Selah Freedom. “It’s essential that we teach these valuable tools to children and their parents so we can thwart the efforts of predators by empowering parents and children to recognize red flags and shut down this horrific cycle of abuse and coercion.”

“No child is immune from being a victim of sex trafficking,” says Captain Demetri Konstantoplous, Sarasota Police Department. “We often tell the story of a young person, marred with trauma, who runs away from home and very quickly falls into the grips of a predator (trafficker). That, still, is a viable story; however, in this world of technology, there does not need to be a “running away from home” component in this equation. Traffickers are coming into our homes through the internet, social media and video games. So, now, more than ever, anti-trafficking awareness for all students in paramount.” 

About Selah Freedom

Selah Freedom is a national organization with the mission to end sex trafficking and bring freedom to the exploited through their four strong programs: Awareness, Prevention, Outreach and Residential. Selah Freedom actively confronts the issue of sex trafficking and is being upheld as the model for how to effectively bring solutions to survivors of sex trafficking and exploitation. Visit and follow on Facebook Instagram @selahfreedom

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