Saturday, September 26, 2020

Book Nook: Wish You Were Here - A Rock Fantasy


Do you like Rock and Roll? Do you enjoy a good story? Here's the synopsis for the book Wish You Were Here: A Rock Fantasy
This Rock Fantasy, the expanded edition, bridges the love between band-mates with the Pop-Paranormal, set to a killer soundtrack. After years of depression following the death of his soul brother, Tomas Alvers finds himself in Heaven.

Guided by the angel Gabriel, Tomas sets out on a Dantean adventure, hoping to reunite with his beloved lead singer. Along the way, Tomas encounters famous artists and performers laughing and learning from each other, in a grueling quest to rock the heavens! He fights an uphill battle trying to understand the rules. While exploring questions about legacy, he wonders if he will ever find his mate.

I had a chance to interview the author to learn more.

Why did you write this book?
I was inspired to write this story in a strange way. In 2013 my husband had a little internet radio station and asked me to find some CDs for him. I came across The Best of Badfinger, decided to put it on and I listened to Rock of All Age. It sounded like a Beatles’ song and I loved it. I read the liner notes and found out a little about the band. My husband was familiar with the group Badfinger on Facebook so I joined it. I found out everybody was hurting.

Badlfinger’s manager had stolen their money, consequently two members killed themselves, one in 1975 and the other in 1983. I wrote to the group, letting them know that Tommy was looking down at them from Heaven and they would always be in his heart. The group liked my sentiment so I decided to write a blurb about Tommy and Pete on that site that they were all doing fine in Heaven. I got a lot of positive feedback and comments. From that I created my own Badfinger page and began writing segments of a story about Tommy and Pete in Heaven. That has since morphed into Wish You Were Here: A Rock Fantasy.

What did you like best about blending the rock theme with something more abstract?
What I enjoy about writing this story are the personalities that come across all those genres. You have the amazing complexity of the interactions between everybody Tomas meets. I incorporated normal people, musicians, entertainment souls like Lucy ball Harry Nilsson and Picasso (who is like a famous rock star of art.) I am not bound to just rock stars but of a variety of individual souls. I also am intrigued that I have rock stars who had died of mysterious circumstances.

What do you hope readers will get out of this book?
My goal is to give them reassurance of how to deal with the unknown. I believe there are many people who are curious about how their loved ones are doing in the afterlife especially now with family and friends who have passed on from the pandemic. Also, there are people interested in what their famous celebrities are doing in paradise. I think in this story I achieved both.

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