Monday, September 14, 2020

Healthy Habits: Breathe Easy With Less Toxic Pool Products

 By Pool Troopers


Are you wondering how to keep your backyard environment clean and healthy? Read on for the best tools you can use to clean your pool and garden.


Salt or Natural Pool Systems


Saltwater pools naturally break down germs and bacteria and are self-sanitizing. Thanks to electrolysis, the salt becomes chlorine and can be regenerated. Saltwater pools create fewer side effects, such as irritated skin, lung problems, itchy eyes, and asthma-like symptoms, while producing disinfectant byproducts better than chlorine pools.


There are also swimming pools that look like ponds with plants that purify the water naturally. Natural swimming pools use vegetation, circulation and filtration to keep the water clean. The proper amount of plants in a pool can help to keep algae out. They can also help keep pathogens in balance.




Mineral pools use an ionizer system. Instead of adding chemicals into the water, an ionizer charges and sends silver and copper into the water. The silver cleans the water, and copper kills the algae.


Ozone / Ozonators


Ozone can be produced in a pool to break down the bacteria that result from human use. However, the gas doesn't clean the water by itself: It's used together with chlorine, which does mean you need less chlorine, but this is more like a tweak, instead of a real alternative.


Keep in mind that pools in humid climates have a greater need for the use of chlorine than those in a dry climate.


Non-Chlorine Shock


A non-chlorine shock is a small enhancement or tweak, as well; chlorine is still necessary to complete the sanitation. Oxidizing the organic bacteria keeps the chloramine levels low, which helps chlorine do its job. This is an excellent option for outdoor pools because UV rays oxidize these bacterial compounds naturally.


UV Light


In this method, water travels through a tube with a UV light, which kills pathogens and leaves them trapped inside the filtering mechanism. A good UV filter can be a bit expensive, but it will last a long time. Note that some chlorine may still need to be used.




Polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) is also known as Baquacil™ or SoftSwim™. It works with safe bacteria that kill pathogens in the pool water by invading their cell walls and causing them to burst. Then it will wrap them in a gel, which makes them heavy, so they will sink and be filtered out of your pool.


Diatomaceous Earth (DE)


Adding DE to your pool filter can fill tiny holes, which makes the filter work better at trapping smaller debris that might otherwise, literally, slip through the cracks. Usually pool filters only capture larger particles, but DE can help with tiny pieces. You can also use it to naturally repel ants!


Hydrogen Peroxide


As little as one cup of peroxide to 100 gallons of water will help repel germs. You will need 35 percent peroxide, which you can buy online.



However, if you have any concerns about the condition of your pool or want to begin service, give Pool Troopers a call to schedule an appointment. When it comes to pool maintenance and repair, we've got your back.

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