Saturday, October 17, 2020

Caring Causes: Squash the Sombrero - Poems in Lockdown

 While many crumbled during lockdown and allowed COVID-19 to turn their lives upside down, British poet Damien Rist put his efforts and extra time into something special – a new book of “lockdown poems”.


It’s now released as ‘Squash the Sombrero’, which takes the unconventional, verse and creativity to a new paradigm.




Poems can be inspiration, spark imagination and provide entertainment. COVID 19 has been life changing for the world, claimed many lives but it has also sparked creativity and inspiration as we have had to save ourselves from boredom stuck inside, no where to go, we have needed to use our imaginations. Most of these poems I wrote during lock down, some of which I posted on my Twitter @MagicPoetDamo.I am also taking £2 out of my royalties, from every single one of my books sold, and donating it to The National Autistic Society, they do amazing work in helping people with Autism and their families and in raising awareness and understanding of Autism, which is very much needed.


“As the nation settled into lockdown, my mind began to race with new poetry ideas,” explains the author. “I also wanted to give people a rare look into the mind of an autistic man, so figured I’d combine everything and get to work on a new book. It definitely filled the time and gave me something to do, and it appears readers are loving the final result!”


Continuing, “I’m so proud it has also become a fundraising vehicle for the National Autistic Society, who do great work and research to help us better understand Autism, its treatments and management. I encourage everyone to buy this book, because the pandemic appears to be far from over.”


‘Squash the Sombrero: Poems in Lockdown’ is available now:



About the author, in his own words:


Poems are a great form of writing. in poetry you can express emotion, feeling and humour. it can be based on real events or just plain made up.


I first started writing when I was in year 5 and meeting poet Brian Moses. I then wrote poems based on events that were happening in my life as well as in the news. I know that anyone can write and enjoy poems.


I’m a simple guy from UK that happens to write poetry and takes opportunities. I also believe that there is no such thing as luck just opportunities so take all you can get.

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