Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Health Habits: Fitness Interview with Dr. Zvi Pearlstein

Rolling into the holidays this year is going to look a little different. With the continued rising number of coronavirus cases, more and more people will be staying home, curling up, shopping online, and over indulging in holiday treats. As if the shorter days and colder weather didn't make us depressed enough, our health and wellness this time of year has never been more important.

Obesity has become a worldwide epidemic for children and adults of all ages. The diet and weight loss industry is an eighty billion dollar business in America alone and that dollar figure has historically been on a steady rise. Yet with all the resources, scientific and technological advancements in our society, how has obesity remained such a huge problem?

According to Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Zvi Pearlstein, there is still one major thing missing from the diet industry: self control.

"Studies and research suggest that the very profitable business of weight loss is one big scam and is all about taking advantage of troubled people purely for profit. The truth is, it’s all about having self-control..."says Pearlstein, whose alternative solutions have helped to transform healthcare from the information age. His new e-book, U R Not What U Eat, introduces a new lifestyle paradigm with the tools to positively transform oneself and thereby positively and impactfully change America and the world for the better.

Through Pearlstein's other sectors of business, including the new SitFit Chair™ (total body gym in an innovative non-sedentary, multi-positional, and multi-functional chair), he is able to connect with patients and provide simple and easy solutions to optimize health, wholeness, and happiness through the concept of "Soul & Body".

I had a chance to interview him to learn more.
1. How can people stay healthy during the holidays - especially since this holiday season will likely look different than normal for many people?

Our Soul is our true identity-who we really are. The Soul actualizes its mission and purpose through the “Garment” it wears-the body-through 3 processes: Thought, Speech, and Action. A Healthy Lifestyle must incorporate a plan for a Healthy Soul, Healthy Body, and Health-Promoting Thought, Speech, and Action.

2. What is missing from the wellness industry?

The key factor missing from the wellness industry can be found in every hospital emergency room. It’s known as Triage. Wellness should not be primarily about product sales, but instead should focus on sharing wisdom about we humans. The wisdom must be prioritized from most important to least and its application must be prioritized from the most significant aspect of our identity to the least.

3. Why is self-control so important and how can people strengthen it?

We humans each have two souls with two motivational drives or natures. One soul is our Divine Soul “breathed” into each one of us by our Creator. This Divine Soul is a miniscule piece of Godliness and is selflessly driven to serve the Creator. Our second soul is an animal soul intrinsic to the human body and it seeks to selfishly serve the pleasure of the body.
Our true better nature is to be the Divine Soul and exert self-control over our animal soul. For example, most destructive and painful addictions involve the mouth. Eating, speaking, smoking, drinking, and abusing drugs can all be problematic addictions involving the mouth. Whereas we have two eyes, two ears, and two nostrils, we have only one mouth. All good and harmful speech and food must enter through one portal. The mouth is closed in its resting state. The tongue, two rows of teeth, two lips, and even a hand to cover the mouth can all be used to create an effective barrier for the mouth. 
A powerful life lesson for optimal health and wellness is to learn to control one’s mouth at an early age. Keeping the mouth shut, saying little consistent with “Silence is Golden,” eating modestly, and “just saying no” to cigarettes, excessive alcohol, and drugs will go a long way toward achieving optimal health. 

4. How are health and happiness related?

Good Health should be an ongoing goal for all of us. Happiness is a vehicle or tool that helps promote good health. Happiness is an ever-positive mental attitude and approach to life. Happiness can create healthy brain chemicals and make life more rewarding. 

Happiness is to be content with one’s lot. Contentment is a product of three component steps:
1) Know that ultimately everything comes from our Creator and therefore everything is for the good.
2) Everyone has a thermostat of mental contentment for everything. When something occurs or changes in an undesirable way, simply say, “I’m ok with that.”
3) Be and live in “The Now.” Thinking in the past “could have, would have, should have” or in the future “could, would, should” is detrimental to happiness. In life all we ever have is the present moment, and the moment you think about it, it’s gone.

5.  What should people focus on for a balanced, healthy lifestyle?

A balanced, healthy lifestyle demands the appropriate “Diet” and a program of appropriate “Motion” for each component of our lives, prioritized from most important to least.

Our Soul needs a diet of Soul Food to be healthy. Lack of Soul Food results in Soul Hunger. Soul Hunger is experienced by the body. Mistaking Soul Hunger for Bodily Hunger is probably the number one cause of the current worldwide obesity epidemics in adults and children. Motion for the Soul requires a regular process of feeding and growth.

Our Intellect and emotions require a regular process of growth and training.

Our Body requires healthy nutrition and a regular program of healthy motion and strengthening and avoidance of dangerous and unhealthy activities,. A personalized exercise program for the total body includes a regular aerobics program for the heart, lungs, and vascular system, and regular full range of motion and strengthening programs for all the major muscles and joints from head to toe.

Dr. Zvi Pearlstein is a Doctor, Father, Speaker, Author, Inventor... And Trumpeter. From a young age, Dr. Zvi had a deep-seated need and calling to find life’s meaning and purpose to understand and solve pain. His mother Celia passed in 2019 leaving behind writings and poetry of her emotional experiences during the Holocaust in Poland.

In 1976 Dr. Zvi received his BA in Biochemistry from Princeton University. In 1981 he received his MD from New York University School of Medicine. He completed a 5-year residency in Orthopedic Surgery at SUNY Downstate in Brooklyn in 1986.

As a Major in the United States Air Force, Dr Zvi spent three years practicing orthopedic surgery at Clark Air Base in the Philippines and one year at Andrews Air Force Base in Wash. DC. He did active duty service during Persian Gulf War I. While serving in the Air Force he was a marksman shooter and was awarded the Sikorsky Helicopter Rescue Award.

Throughout his career he was looking for truth and often felt that certain problems needed better wellness and lifestyle answers and solutions. As a result, over the past 30 years he developed a series of products, inventions, books, and services, which he now sets in motion with his company Missing Links Health, Inc.

For More Information Visit: https://www.drzvi.com/

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