Most people think of self-care and think of taking a long bubble bath, going for a run, taking a day off of work, or reading a book in bed, but there are far more ways to practice self-care. What counts as self-care will be different for every person. We all have different needs and preferences. What helps one person relax might not be helpful for someone else. However, there is a somewhat universal way to practice bodily self-care, and that is by improving your diet. What you eat affects everything in your body, including your brain and mental state. You don’t necessarily need to replace your regular diet with a healthy diet, though you can, as there are ways to work helpful foods into your existing diet. A poor diet can lead to more issues than you might imagine. No one wants to take an afternoon to read more about yeast overgrowth as a result of a poor diet, so make the needed changes now before you notice adverse effects on your health. Here are a few tips and tricks for working self-care into your life through your daily dietary choices.
No More Fake Foods
Processed foods flooded the average supermarket years ago, and they do not appear to be leaving anytime soon. Processed foods typically cost less than organic or natural ingredient food, which makes them an attractive choice for people on a budget. However, processed foods are also chemically designed to be tasty and make you want more, which keeps you in the processed food cycle. These synthetic ingredients are also not good for your body as your body doesn’t know how to break down processed foods properly. Overconsumption of processed foods can lead to weight gain, high blood sugar, and can lead to heart disease or diabetes. If possible, find a healthier version of your favorite processed foods. There are organic frozen pizzas to buy instead of the highly processed selection. It may take more work, time at the store and add to your average monthly food bill, but your body will thank you for ditching the processed food.
Mindful Eating
Part of eating a healthy diet is also realizing how much or how frequently you eat. You can load your plate with veggies at every meal, but if you snack between meals, all your hard work at mealtime can be for nothing. Start by being mindful of what you eat and, a food log is an excellent way to starkly realize how much you eat on a typical day. A log can help you look at your habits and come up with personal ways to solve issues. Only you know your schedule and budget best, but a food long simply gives you more information so you can make the best choices for your health and wellbeing. However, a food log should not be a negative association. Do not feel shame writing down what you eat or at how much your log totals at the end of the day. Using a food log means you are trying to improve, and there is no shame in trying to better yourself.
Meal Planning And Prepping
Meal planning can be a great tool to ensure you stay on track with a diet plan. By making meals in advance or at least planning them out, you have the time to make healthy choices for the future. If you only have your planned food in the house, you have a harder time straying from the path. Meal planning apps and websites have plenty of suggestions to make meal planning easier. Be sure to load plenty of fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods into your meal plans for the maximum benefit. Meal planning and prepping can be challenging, and it is somewhat supposed to be, but you do not need to stick to a diet that makes you feel unwell. The goal is to get healthier, but don’t hurt your body in the process. If you want to be extra safe, talk with your general practitioner about the best diet ideas for you as a unique patient. Not every diet works for everyone, so do not assume that a popular or general diet will give you the same results as someone else.
Everyone should strive to get healthier and thereby practice self-care. We must take care of our bodies if we expect a happy and healthy life. By ditching the processed foods, eating mindfully with a food log, and or meal planning, you can make your diet a form of self-care that your body will appreciate for years to come.
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