Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Smart Safety: 4 Baby Safety Tips Parents Often Overloo

Getting ready for a newborn, whether it’s a parent’s first or fifth, is an exciting time. It’s also a time that requires a keen eye for keeping baby safe, especially when they start to crawl or walk.  KidCo, the company known as the first company to introduce metal safety gates to America, offers a full line of baby proofing products that parents have come to rely on.  

Take on the bigger parts of baby proofing first

There are many quick and easy ways to baby proof a home, while some projects might take a bit more time, like installing mounted baby gates. First find the gate that best fits your needs. KidCo has a great baby gate finder that helps parents find the right gate for the space, especially if it’s an unusual size and/or shaped area.  Then take your time installing the gate.  Make sure you have all of your tools read before you start.  When you are done, be sure that there are no screws or small pieces that can cause a splinter or other injury.

Know the difference between a pressure mount gate and a wall mounted gate

Wall mounted gates require screws for installation in a wall or doorway. These types of gates are essential for the top of the stairs. These gates are recommended for children between six and 24 months. Pressure-mounted gates, which are recommended only for the bottom of the stairs or to separate spaces, are wedged into place by pressure against the doorframe or walls. Pressure-mounted gates don’t require drilling.

Get down on eye level to see what a child sees

Don’t wait until your child becomes mobile to start baby proofing. Babies and toddlers can change almost overnight! The trick to adequate babyproofing is to truly understand that your baby sees everything much lower on the ground and is looking upwards, while adults are usually looking downwards. Since baby is viewing the world on an entirely different level, to truly uncover a home's hazards, take a crawling tour!

Furniture and cabinets require special attention

Shelves, wall units, dressers, televisions, and bookcases can topple over on babies who try to climb up on them.  In the US alone, someone is injured every 15 minutes from a tipping piece of furniture, and sadly, every 23 minutes a child is treated at an emergency room for injuries sustained from tipping televisions and furniture.  Have wobbly furniture repaired, or bolt questionable pieces to the wall. Be sure to add Anti-Tip Furniture Straps to your baby proofing list.  Toddlers and small children are no match for the weight and force of a large piece of furniture tipping over which can result in serious injuries that are sometimes fatal. 

Be vigilant with what is kept in a cabinet. Babies by nature like to explore cabinets, especially those in the kitchen where we may keep dangerous cleaning supplies.  Move all poisonous substances and sharp objects into locked cabinets or relocate to the upper cabinets. Childproof safety latches are an easy and highly effective way to keep baby safe and to allow parents to stress less about what baby is finding in a cabinet.

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