Monday, July 19, 2021

Book Nook: Adventures of the Sensokids - I've Got the Wiggles

 Recently the New York Times revealed that more younger children are having health issues such as sensory processing disorder, which spiked during the pandemic. Pediatric Occupational Therapist and owner of OT Studios, Inc in Los Angeles, Dr. Reema Naim OTD, OTR/L noticed many families at her practice having difficulty understanding sensory integration and not fully grasping how much children rely on their senses to appropriately engage in daily activities. After discovering a dire need to provide education to kids, parents, and educators on the sensory systems so that kids can overcome sensory challenges in an exciting way, she went on to create the Adventures of the Sensokids seriesThe first book in the series Oh Messy Me released last fall addressed the sense of touch and was recognized by The Today Show as a best gift for children with special needs. The second book in the series entitled Adventures of the Sensokids: I’ve Got the Wiggles went on sale in July and focuses on movement and balance by introducing readers to Tareek who is finding it difficult sitting still in class as he needs to move around a lot.   

I had a chance to see an e-version of this book, and I like it. It's a great resource for caregivers and parents of younger kids to help them work with their senses instead of being overwhelmed by them. The book is clear and easy to understand, with engaging illustrations that will appeal to kids.

This entertaining and interactive series is aimed at educating parents, educators and children ages 5-8 about their sensory “superpowers” and the important role they play in enabling us to navigate our environment. It also explores the way we interact with the world around us, and the impact any sensory challenges can have on our daily life.


Dr. Naim, OTD, OTR/L explains, “When children have difficulty understanding their own senses, they often display what appears to be labeled problematic behaviors, which can actually be neurological concerns related to inadequately processing sensory information.” By developing this new series, she hopes readers will:


·       Be better educated of the benefits of Occupational Therapy for children diagnosed with sensory processing disorder, Autism and other disabilities, in particular parents, teachers and schools.

·       Recognize and understand the concept that humans possess seven as opposed to only five senses, and how those two extra senses enable body awareness, movement and balance, are important for children as they navigate jungle gyms, playgrounds and learn to move their bodies for different activities.

·       Understand our senses and therefore reduce judgment amongst children in the classroom when they notice a classmate who may be dealing with a sensory related concern.

·       Fun activities introduced by the Sensokids so that children can be empowered to overcome sensory challenges and difficulties.


With each book in the series providing a new sensory challenge and a unique sensory education page for parents and teachers, it’s Dr. Naim’s hope that all children who are struggling with sensory issues can find a bit of themselves in the Sensokids and lead a happier and more fulfilled life. 


Dr. Reema Naim, OTD, OTR/L moved to the U.S. from the U.K. and attended USC, where she pursued a career in occupational therapy. She graduated with her MA, OTR/L and OTD and started her own private practice, OT Studios, in West Hollywood, CA. She received her SIPT (sensory integration and praxis test) certification and created the Sensokids characters, whom she uses to educate children, families and students about sensory integration and the major role our sensory systems play in daily life. Her first book Adventures of the Sensokids: Oh Messy Me was released in September 2020 and named a “best gift for children with special needs” by The Today Show.

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