Saturday, August 28, 2021

Parenting Pointers: Should You Post Selfies With Your Children On Social Media



Over 3 billion pictures are shared on social media every day. If you are a parent, then you probably struggle with the decision on whether to add pictures of your children to social media. While most parents want to show off their children, they also know the dangers lurking around on the Internet.

If you have made up your mind that you want to share selfies with your children on social media, you need to make sure you do it safely. Here are some things to keep in mind when posting pictures of your children online.

Check Your Social Media Privacy Settings

If you have creative selfie photos that you want to share on social media, you need to check all of your settings before doing so. On platforms like Facebook and Instagram, you can control who can access the pictures posted on your profile. If you are posting pictures that feature your children, you definitely need to limit who can see them. This is why you need to check out your account privacy settings routinely.

Ignoring these settings can lead to pictures of your children falling into the hands of strangers. Instead of allowing all of your posts to be open to the public, restrict access with the help of account privacy settings. Getting familiar with these settings and how to use them properly can help you protect these personal pictures.

Ask Your Child For Permission

As a child starts to get older, they will be vocal about their opinion on things. Before you make the decision on whether or not to post selfies that feature your children, you need to talk about it with them. If your child is old enough, they should have a say on whether or not they want pictures that feature them online.

Allowing your child to have this type of input can help you avoid fights in the future. Opening up this dialogue also presents you with an opportunity to strengthen your relationship with your child. If they express a desire to keep these personal pictures off of social media, you need to respect their wishes.


Don’t Forget to Enjoy the Moment

Taking great smartphone pictures is a fine art. You need to focus on getting just the right angle and lighting for your pictures to be shareworthy. If you are taking pictures of your children, you need to make sure you don’t let the process of using your smartphone take away from the experience you are trying to capture. Staying in the moment and making memories with your child is far more important than taking a great picture. Your child will enjoy the experience more if they see that you are actually focusing on them and what they are doing.

Sharing your life with people on social media is a good idea. However, you need to learn how to live life without having to take a picture of it. Knowing when to take a picture and when to just live in the moment will serve you well as time goes by. 

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