Sometimes, difficulties and loss can reshape who we are and nudge us into growing. Just like a caterpillar sheds its skin and spins itself a silky chrysalis, what results is a breathtakingly beautiful creature we could never imagine, the butterfly. Meg Nocero’s story is not so different as she depicts her extraordinary transformation in Butterfly Awakens.
As a forty-something Italian-American immigration attorney, Meg moves through unimaginable grief and sadness watching her beloved mother lose her battle to breast cancer. Questioning her life choices and opening herself up to her soul’s calling, Nocero brings readers along on her journey through a dark night of the soul. We experience with her the grieving process, a toxic work environment, and intense stress that results in depression and anxiety, along with a somatic nervous disorder called tinnitus. Meg never gives up and-- instead-- looks for the help she needs to start to heal and find her light. In the end, like the metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly, her story is a beautiful love letter honoring her mother’s legacy while detailing the awakening of her own.
You can learn more in this interview.
Is there a message/theme in your book that you want readers to grasp?
When I was moving through grief, I promised that I would keep going to share a better story for my life, healing myself and in service to others. The metamorphosis of the butterfly and the guidance of the lighthouse were symbols that stood foremost in my mind. Never giving up in this life, doing the hard things that surround transformation, and in the end embracing your inner beauty—not needing approval or permission from others to be here. I want other people to honestly know that there is always light, even in the darkness and that they are more than enough just as they are.
What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your book?
There are so many synchronicities in life. Living my story was amazing. Getting it out there has been even more amazing—meeting and collaborating with so many creative people. I have learned so much and continue to learn every day—the learning curve is steep.
What was your greatest challenge in writing this book?
Living these words-
I wrote this before I resigned from DHS:
And as I sit here ready to write my own final mission statement, out comes just two simple words: I QUIT!
I QUIT a job where I am no longer able to develop my talent.
I QUIT and take off the golden handcuffs that have kept me tied to something that no longer serves me.
I QUIT fear.
I QUIT seeking approval from others. I QUIT needing that approval to know my worth.
I QUIT beating myself up mentally.
I QUIT sabotaging my own peace and freedom.
I QUIT not believing in myself and my purpose.
I QUIT not paying attention to the signs that tell me that it is time to move on.
And I grab onto BLISS!
I am changing the negative charge of the words “I QUIT” to a positive one. One that allows me to follow my dreams, my bliss, and my calling here on Earth. I know that the past 20 years have provided me with some of the most amazing opportunities to hone my craft. I know that I have had the chance to meet some of the most amazing people on this part of my journey. I know that I have impacted and made a difference in the lives of so many. And I know that many of you have so impacted and made a difference in mine and will remain such an important part of my story. I know that I have accomplished and learned so much. Quitting is not a failure, it is actually a sign of success. To know when it is time to move on and have the courage to step out on your next adventure into the unknown, even though you may be terrified, is such a badge of honor. Such a gift to yourself. such a gift to the world. Because this world needs more happy people, who let go of a state of depression and anxiety and choose to claim their joy and go for it!
So I leave you all with this, if you stay where you are, make sure that you are passionate about it and look for the lessons to be learned. But when there comes a time when you are no longer satisfied and there is something that is tugging at your soul to move along, then answer that call like a hero and fearlessly and courageously (with your angels by your side) open the next door that awaits. Only then, you will discover the endless possibilities for you. You can say “I PERSIST!”
Instagram: @megnocero
MEG NOCERO is a former Department of Homeland Security attorney. After 19 years of federal government service, she resigned to pursue her dream as a writer, inspirational speaker, a success coach, and attorney for justice. Nocero is an avid learner who holds a BA in Spanish, with a concentration in Italian from Boston College; an MA in international affairs from the University of Miami; and a JD from St. Thomas University School of Law. She is a member of the Florida Bar, serves on the Wellness Committee of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) and holds certifications as a Federal Law Enforcement Training Center instructor, as a Professional Coach from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching, and as an Associate Certified Coach from the International Coaching Federation. She has a Certificate in Happiness Studies through Harvard Professor Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar’s Happiness Studies Academy and a Certificate for the Science of Well-Being from Yale University. In addition to being named Miz CEO Entrepreneur of the Year in 2019, she appeared on CNN Español with Ismael Cala and hosts her own YouTube channel and a podcast called Manifesting with Meg: Conversations with Extraordinary People. She also delivered a TEDx talk entitled Wake up! How to Create a Better Story for a Happier Village and has participated on a panel entitled Improve Your Mind, Body, Soul, and Even Your Wallet at BookConline 2020.
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