Friday, October 29, 2021

Parenting Pointers: Why Your Baby Isn’t Sleeping in Their Bassinet


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It’s nighttime, everything is calm and your baby is almost asleep as you gently set them into their baby bassinet. Suddenly, a full-fledged tantrum comes out of nowhere, leaving you running back to pick them up again. All parents have been there at least once, but when your baby is refusing to sleep in their own space night after night, it’s time to solve the mystery so that you can both get better quality sleep. 

5 Reasons Your Baby Isn’t Sleeping in their Bassinet

So, your baby isn’t too keen on the idea of drifting off in their own bed. Here are some reasons why they may be struggling.

  1. They’re Used to Sleeping Somewhere Else

If your baby is used to always falling asleep in your arms or a baby swing, then they might be confused when they wake up in a different location.

  1. Teething

Starting as early as three months, teething can be very uncomfortable for your baby. As a result, they can become fussier during the day as well as at night.

  1. Growth Spurts

Your baby is developing really quickly and it can make them constantly hungry. If they are not sleeping well at night, it might be that they are still hungry and need more feeding time.

  1. Sleep Regression

While sleep regression is never welcomed, it is a normal occurrence where your baby will experience slight setbacks in their sleeping patterns.

  1. They are Sick

If your baby is suddenly acting strange when you put them down for bed, it might be because something is actually amiss. Check their temperature; they might have a cold or an ear infection.

Tips for Getting Your Baby to Sleep in their Bassinet

It’s really important that you figure out what is causing your baby’s reaction to their bassinet in order to solve the problem. Once you do that, you can try some of the tips below to see if you can send them off to dreamland in their own bed.

Make Their Crib the Only Place They Sleep

In order to “train” your baby to sleep in their own bassinet, it’s important that you make that the only place that they sleep. They will be tired after feeding and might want to fall asleep in your arms, but this only encourages them to sleep where they aren’t supposed to. Once they are very tired, gently set them in their bassinet. Hopefully, they will be too tired to argue!

Add More Activities During the Day

You sleep the best after a busy day and the same is true with babies. If you tire your baby out with lots of playtime, they will be more tired at night and more likely to sleep without a fuss.

Try a White Noise Machine

If you don’t already have a white noise machine, it might be time to give one a try. White noise machines make sounds similar to what your baby heard when they were in the womb, which can be very soothing. You can also get a sound machine that sounds like a heartbeat to comfort your baby.

Adjust the Room Temperature

While you may prefer your room to be cold at night, your baby may not. It’s possible that the reason they aren’t sleeping in their crib is because they are overheated or too cold. Be sure that you set the thermostat to between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit for your baby.

Whether this pattern of not sleeping is a new occurrence for your baby or they have always had a hard time drifting off in their bassinet, solving their bedtime woes is possible. Be patient and don’t give up. Eventually, your baby will learn to love their bassinet and you’ll rest easy knowing that they are safe and sound while you both snooze.

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