Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Smart Safety: Residential Fire and Safety Guide


In less than 5 minutes, a small flame can turn into a life-threatening situation at home. In fact, about 80% of deaths from fire occur in the home. Homeowners may not be able to prevent every single opportunity that presents a fire hazard but there are measures you can take to minimize these risks. 
SafeHome.org has developed a residential fire and safety guide to ensure fire safety at home. The following includes tips from firefighters, the Red Cross and a fire and life safety specialist: 
>> Install smoke detectors throughout the home 
Having a working smoke alarm provides you with a 50% better chance of surviving a fire. Aim for installing one on every floor of your home, in each sleeping area, and outside of each sleeping area. Make sure to test detectors once every month to ensure they work and that the batteries are still good.
>> Install fire extinguishers
Fire extinguishers come in handy when you are faced with a small fire and may prevent you and your family from having to battle a bigger fire. Keep them in the kitchen, garage and any workshop areas of your home - and make sure to check them regularly to ensure they are working properly. 
>> Teach kids about the dangers of fire 
Kids love exploring, but their curious nature may lead to dangers at home. In fact, about 300 people per year are killed and $280 million in property is destroyed in fires attributed to children playing with fire. This is why it’s essential to educate children on the dangers of fire, keep matches and lighters away from them, and teach them to stop, drop, and roll if their clothes catch on fire.
>> Create an escape plan 
When a fire occurs at home, the goal is to be out of the house in 3 minutes or less. Make sure you and your family are aligned on an escape plan which includes: 
  • Checking doors for heat before opening them
  • Staying low on the ground to avoid smoke
  • Knowing the closest way out

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