“God is the author of marriage. He designed the roles and responsibilities for husbands and wives,” Scott LaPierre writes in his new book that I got to review, Your Marriage God’s Way. “He knows what couples need so they can experience healthy, joyful, Christ-centered relationships, and He provided the principles in the Bible.”
A companion workbook is also available (LaPierre’s Your Marriage God’s Way Workbook) to help couples apply biblical principles to their own marriage.
The workbook aims to help couples:
- Understand the unique roles God has given each person
- Identify ways to better help, encourage, and support each other
- Make serving God the focal point of the marriage
The book does definitely have a conservative view of the roles of husband and wife. The author does explain that Biblical submission isn't, for example, about staying in abusive relationships. For couples that are in line with the idea of the husband as head of the relationship, this book and companion workbook will be a great fit. For couples where that's not a practicality, then not everything in this book is going to mesh as well, but there will still be a lot that couples can learn (and honestly, I believe that it's worth exploring different viewpoints about what makes a healthy marriage anyway, even if it's not 100% the way that your marriage works).
The book draws everything from Scripture, which is great if you're looking for a Biblically-based marriage book and workbook. And I love the focus on serving God as the key part of the marriage. If both partners are committed to serving God and loving Him, then they have a stable foundation.
“Let’s journey together, with the Bible as our guide, to experience the blessings of a Christ-centered relationship,” LaPierre writes. “Whether you’re at the beginning of your journey or you’ve been on the road together for years, Your Marriage God’s Way will provide the helpful and encouraging insights you need to experience marriage as God intends it.”
About the Author
Scott LaPierre is the senior pastor of Woodland Christian Church in Woodland, WA, an author, and conference speaker. He holds an MA in Biblical Studies from Liberty University. Scott and his wife, Katie, have nine children, and they are passionate homeschooling advocates. Scott is a former schoolteacher and Army officer.
To learn more about Pastor Scott LaPierre, please visit www.scottlapierre.org, or follow him on Twitter (@PastorWCC), Instagram (@pastorwcc) or Facebook (@SctottLaPierreMinistries).
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