Saturday, April 9, 2022

Pet Pointers: Communicating with Your Dog

 I recently received this information on behalf of founder and co-owner of Paw & Order Dog Training, Elissa Weimer-Sentner, about the power of intentionally communicating with your dog?


Dogs do not speak our language so 90% of the time, they have no idea what we are saying to them. When it comes to training, it is integral to be as consistent and intentional with what you say to them. Elissa offers a few tips to help with intentional communication: 

Agree to and use the same wording
Sometimes family members use different words to describe the same thing and it only creates confusion with the dog. For example if one person is saying “stay” and the other is saying “wait”, the dog now things they need to do two different actions.
Do not repeat
Like babies and toddlers, it takes dogs a few seconds to process what they are being told, so repeating yourself a bunch of times is only going to confuse them more. Be firm and only say your command once. If they don’t respond within 10 seconds, then you can repeat yourself, but give them time to process and respond.
Be conscious of your tone
Tone can be used to instill fear, create joy, and offer comfort to dogs. Remain mindful of your tone when communicating with them to get the desired response.


Paw & Order Dog Training was established in 2013 by military police veteran Elissa Weimer-Sentner and has developed it into an established top-tier dog training company with the help of her husband and co-owner, Steve Sentner. They offer programs that are tailored to each individual dog’s needs and focus areas. Paw & Order specializes in all levels of dog training, including puppy training, basic obedience, and intense behavior modification, including working with dogs that have been deemed impossible to train. Paw & Order currently has locations in Western Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh, Washington, Harmony/New Castle, Erie, Westmoreland); Central, Ohio (Columbus); Southwest, Florida (Fort Myers/Naples); Upstate South Carolina; and Houston, TX. 

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