Thursday, September 15, 2022

Money Makers: How to Launch a Business With a Baby on the Way


Photo via Pexels

Are you expecting a baby? Congratulations! As you prepare to welcome your little one into the world, you’ve likely put a great deal of thought into financial matters and childcare solutions. If you want to generate income and be home to care for your baby, launching a home-based business could be a great way to achieve both! Starting a business with a baby on the way isn’t as challenging as it sounds. With the right resources, support, and plenty of research, you’ll have a business up and running in no time! Frugal Focus shares some quick tips to help you make it work.

Tap Into Your Support Network

Social support is invaluable to new parents. Whether you need someone to watch your baby while you meet a client or pick up groceries when you’re too busy to leave the house, friends, family, and professional services providers can give you some breathing room. You can even get help preparing for your birth from a professional doula! Doula services typically offer birth planning, labor support, and postpartum support to help moms feel comfortable and confident navigating pregnancy and beyond. In addition to this, take advantage of time-saving services like grocery delivery programs and house cleaning companies so you can manage your household more effectively while juggling the demands of your business and baby.

Choose a Compatible Business Model

As you consider different business ideas, think carefully about your limitations and abilities. Make sure your chosen business model is compatible with your parenting lifestyle. NerdWallet suggests a variety of lucrative business ideas for mompreneurs, including freelance writing, social media management, selling handmade products online, and apparel design. 

Make a Remote Work Plan

If you’re new to remote work, plan ahead to ensure you will be able to work productively from home. Create a work schedule around your baby’s needs, prioritizing more demanding work during periods when your baby tends to nap. Make a plan to keep your baby busy when they aren’t feeding or sleeping. You could even wear your baby in a wrap or baby carrier while you work. This will ensure they feel comforted when your focus is elsewhere.

Start Out With Efficiency In Mind

Launching a venture with baby in tow means that now, more than ever, you’ll need to take steps to run your business as efficiently as possible. Fortunately, technology is here to help. For example, if your business is working on a project that has multiple people or teams involved, you’ll likely be handling an overflow of documents. Instead of having to keep track of so many documents in different formats, use a PDF merging tool to keep all your documents in one file which will cut time on having to find a document. Once you merge PDF​ files, you can move PDF pages to get your content in the right order.  

Learn to Be Flexible

Your baby won’t be ready for a general schedule until they’re around 3 or 4 months old. Until then, you will need to be flexible regarding when you work on your business. Even after your baby’s sleeping and feeding habits become more predictable, you should still be ready to adapt to changes. Work when your baby is sleeping so you can give them your full attention when they’re awake. Newborns typically sleep in short spurts of a couple of hours. These periods are great opportunities to tackle demanding projects!

Use Helpful Apps

The right mobile apps can help you organize your life as both a parent and an entrepreneur. For example, Momatu suggests apps designed to help track your pregnancy and manage life after the arrival of your baby. These apps can help you keep track of milestones, settle into a baby routine, and record important information. 

You can also use apps to automate your business and keep everything running smoothly when your attention is on your baby. For example, apps like Asana are great for project management while Hootsuite can help you stay on top of your social media presence. Consider also using accounting software to streamline client invoicing and financial management.

If you’re looking for ways to pass the time while you wait for the arrival of your new baby, consider starting a business! Getting a business up and running while you're pregnant is a great way to secure your income for the months ahead. Remember to tap into your support network, plan for a remote work situation, optimize efficiency with tech tools like a PDF merge tool, and learn to stay flexible. Start planning the launch of your new company today!

If you’re looking for leading industry thought leadership in the form of blogs, webinars, and downloadable resources, Frugal Focus has you covered. Read more informative articles today!

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