Friday, December 2, 2022

Healthy Habits: Early Treatment for MS

 Millennials often prioritize living their “best” lives, at the expense of putting their health at risk by ignoring symptoms or postponing a doctor visit – which is easy to do around the busy holiday season. 

This is Trish Palmer’s story and it’s more common than not. Trish was in the prime of her life -- enjoying outdoor adventures, time with family and friends, and building her career as a traveling nurse -- when she began experiencing sensitivity to heat, numbness and fatigue. She brushed off the symptoms, hoping they would go away but they continued to worsen over time. Trish finally went to her doctor and ultimately was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) at age 29. 

While Trish was terrified at first and started to question what this diagnosis would mean for her future, she knew she needed to be proactive with her health. By doing her research and working closely with her doctor, she found a treatment that she’s been on for the past five years that fits her needs and lifestyle. 

About MS: MS -- a chronic and debilitating autoimmune disease -- impacts up to one million people in the U.S. With 34 being the average age of onset, the millennial generation are currently in the age group most likely to be diagnosed. MS becomes more severe over time causing irreversible physical disability for many people. While signs and symptoms of MS vary widely from person to person, there is an underlying progression of the disease that makes early diagnosis and treatment with a disease-modifying therapy, which may delay disability progression, critical.

In this video, Trish Palmer shares first-hand perspective on living life on her terms with MS. Dr. Martin Belkin, D.O.,Michigan Institute for Neurological Disorders, also shares his perspective on MS and why early diagnosis and treatment aimed at reducing relapses and delaying disability progression are so important. 

Interview is courtesy: Genentech

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