Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Book Nook - A Day with No Words

1 in every 54 children have autism as of 2020 in the U.S. Autism has many subtypes and is a complex developmental condition and affects a person’s ability to interact, communicate and progress.


Author Tiffany Hammond, a Texas autistic mother and autism advocate, is raising two sons with the same disorder. She is the founder, voice and change-maker behind the incredibly engaged digital community fidgets.and.fries where she shares her family’s journey and engages daily with followers and supporters while offering connection and support. Hammond discovered the autism community that didn’t exist when she was originally diagnosed at 18. Her blog’s mission is to educate others about autism and intersectional advocacy, because treating neurodivergent people as actual human beings benefits us all. 


“Society pretty much dismisses and ignores the voices of autistic people. That’s what makes my life more difficult. It isn’t really autism itself; it’s living within a society with a brain that differs from the norm,” Hammond says. “We’re here, we exist.”

Previous On-Air Interview with Yahoo: A mother with autism shares her experience raising two sons with the disorder: ‘We’re here, we exist’ (yahoo.com)


Hammond’s new book A Day With No Words is a colorful and engaging picture book for young readers that shares what life can look like for families who use nonverbal communication, utilizing tools to embrace their unique method of "speaking." The story highlights the bond between mother and child and follows them on a day where they use a tablet to communicate with others.


Illustrated by Kate Cosgrove (IG @k8cosgrove), A Day With No Words successfully normalizes communication methods outside of verbal speech and provides representation of neurodiversity and autism in a way that affirms and celebrates.


A must-read that belongs in every home and classroom, A Day With No Words invites readers into the life of an Autism Family who communicates just as the child does, without spoken language.

Tiffany Hammond (she/her) is the voice behind the Fidgets and Fries platform. She is an Autistic mother, advocate, and storyteller who uses her personal experiences with Autism and parenting two Autistic boys to guide others on their journey. Tiffany has a Masters in Developmental Psychology and spends her time teaching, coaching, and mentoring others in Disability Justice issues. Her activism is rooted in challenging the current perception of Autism as a lifelong burden, cultivating a community that explores the concept of Intersectionality and inspiring thought leaders through storytelling, education, and critical discourse. Tiffany was born and raised in Texas and grew up on deep dish pie and stories from her grandmother. She is a dreamer by day and a cereal killer at night. You can usually find Tiffany writing in the light of the moon or thinking about what to write in the light of the day. When she isn’t writing, she is building epic pillow forts with her two sons or going on long road trips with her family.

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