Saturday, July 15, 2023

Happy Home - Popular Months to Move Home

 Moving home can depend on several factors, but perhaps the most important is how many properties are available. 


Moving experts at MovingFeedback have used Zillow data to analyze the number of properties available to rent or buy in Minnesota each month from 2020-2022.  


July had the most properties available, with 27,788 homes to rent or buy in the state from 2020-2022.  


August is close behind, with 27,326 properties available over the last three years. 


June is the third most popular month, with 26,739 properties available. 


There are plenty of reasons to move home in the summer. The summer months offer more convenience as the weather will likely be warm and dry, making loading and unloading items and traveling to a new property easier. Rental leases start to expire, causing more people to look for properties.  


Social events such as yard sales are more common, allowing prospective buyers to experience the community. Also, the summer months are typically the end of the academic year, so many parents will wait until the summer to move house as it will not disrupt their child’s education.  


However, with most choosing to move at this time of year, moving companies may be booked up for several weeks during the summer with a high service demand. 


Some cost-saving tips when moving during these peak months are moving in the middle of the month or mid-week. Most leases end either at the start of a month or near the end, making the mid-month two-week period a good time to inquire about quotes.  


The same thought goes for a mid-week move. Most people will move over the weekend as there’s less disruption for jobs and school. However, Monday-Thursday has less demand for moving services and could save money compared to a Friday or Saturday move.  





New listings (2020 – 2022) 














The winter months are consistently quieter due to the weather and holidays. Moving home during the snowy winters in the north can be dangerous and incur extra costs due to logistics 


However, the winter months can also be the cheapest months to move as companies may have reduced moving rates during this time due to a lack of service demand. 


Harrison Gough, content writer at MovingFeedback commented on the findings: 


“When moving home, it’s essential to consider what you’ll need to complete the move. The weather is a significant factor in traveling to a new property; the findings support this, with the coldest winter months having the lowest number of listed properties. 


“Holidays can also be a huge factor in moving as offices and companies close around Christmas. However, the study shows that September has many properties which coincides with the start of the new academic year. This could be due to parents looking to move to more desirable neighborhoods for their children. 


“Labor Day typically marks the start of the off-season when moving home. This period from November to April is often cheaper than the summer months as people begin planning a move. The data from 2023 follows the trend set in previous years, with 384,305 listed properties as of April 30th.” 


Methodology: Zillow data showing the number of properties available to rent or buy each month across the US was analyzed. The data from 2020, 2021 and 2022 was totaled to provide an overall figure from those three years. 2023 data was not included as the year is not yet complete. 



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