Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Healthy Habits - Most Searched-For Health Concerns in the US

 New data reveals the most common health concerns in America.  


The new study, conducted by the health information website Great Green Wall Health, analyzed Google search data to determine the most-searched-for health concerns across the country.  


The research analyzed average monthly searches for health concerns, such as 'abdominal pain' and 'what causes lower back pain.' These concerns were then grouped into areas of the bodies and ranked based on their total search volume over the last 12 months. Additionally, the data uncovered the top five states searching for these health concerns the most per 100,000 residents 


1. Ears, nose, and throat  


The research revealed that Americans are most concerned about ear, nose, and throat illnesses. This includes, but is not limited to, 'mouth pain' and 'how to get rid of a cold sore.'  


There are 1,920,977 monthly national searches for this group of health concerns. Massachusetts has the highest interest, with 676 monthly searches per 100,000 residents. California (675 monthly searches per 100k) and Maryland (673 monthly searches per 100k) follow.   


For example, Georgia residents search for 'sinusitis' 13,266 times a month, and Alabama residents search for 'sore throat' 4,016 times a month. 



2. Mouth  


In second place, Americans search for health concerns relating to the mouth 1,589,515 times a month, including 'tooth infection' and 'pain in roof of mouth.'  


New York shows the highest interest in mouth-related searches, amounting to 571 monthly searches per 100,000 people. Illinois comes second with 553 monthly searches; California comes third with 549 monthly searches.  


In total, 'cold sore' receives 2,066 monthly searches in Idaho, while 'canker sore' receives 10,858 monthly searches in Maryland.  


3. Hips 


The third most searched-for health concerns are related to hips. This involves anything from 'hip joint pain' to 'how to relieve sciatica pain' and 'what causes lower back pain.'  


New York residents are searching for 'hip pain' 6,300 times per month; while Ohio residents are searching for 'bursitis hip' 3,425 times per month.  


Massachusetts, however, is the state showing the highest concern for hip-related health concerns, with 564 monthly searches per 100,000 people. New York (538 monthly searches) and Virginia (534 monthly searches) round out the top three.  


4. Stomach 


In fourth place, there are 1,402,343 monthly online searches for stomach-related health concerns, including 'upper stomach pain' and 'how to get rid of gas pain.' 


Illinois searches for stomach-related health concerns the most, with 451 monthly online searches per 100,000 people. Massachusetts (451 monthly searches) and New York (445 monthly searches) follow.  


The data shows 13,183 monthly online searches for 'irritable bowel syndrome' in North Carolina and 6,116 for 'abdominal pain' in Pennsylvania.  


5. Back  


Back-related issues are America's fifth most searched-for health concern, including 'tailbone pain,' 'stretches for lower back,' 'kidney pain,' and more.  


Virginia residents search for 'kidney stones' 12,775 times per month; 'lower back pain' has 25,466 average monthly searches in Texas.  


Massachusetts searches for these concerns the most, with 417 searches per 100,000 people. Hawaii comes in close second with 412 monthly searches, and New York is in third with 400 monthly searches. 


The top five states searching for health concerns the most in America  


New York is the state showing the most interest in health concerns. The state, which has a population of 19,677,151 people, searches for health-related queries 802,231 times per month. This averages 4,076 monthly searches per 100,000 residents.  


In second place, Massachusetts searches for health-related concerns 283,823 times per month. This is equivalent to 4,065 monthly searches per 100,000 people out of a population size of 6,981,974.  


Maryland comes in third place as the state most concerned about their health. Overall, residents are searching for illness-related queries 487,656 times per month, from a population size of 12,582,032.  


Illinois and Georgia round out the top five. Illinois, with a population of 12,582,032, 

has a total volume of 487,656 searches and 3,875 per 100,000 people; Georgia ranks fifth, with 487,656 total searches, a population of 10,912,876, and 3,875 monthly searches per 100,000 people. 


A Great Green Wall Health spokesperson commented: "Illness affects millions of citizens at any given time in America. In fact, there will be approximately 170 million citizens suffering from chronic illnesses (such as hypertension, heart disease, and arthritis) by 2030, according to research by the American Hospital Association.  


This study analyzes online search data to highlight the most common health concerns nationwide. New Yorkers are searching for these health concerns the most, with 4,076 average monthly searches per 100,000 of its residents. It is also interesting to see other states in the East highly interested in health-related searches, as Massachusetts, Maryland, Illinois, and Georgia round out the top five."  





Health concerns 


National monthly search volume 




Ears, nose and throat 
































State searching for health concerns  




Searches per 100,000  




New York 






































Great Green Wall Health is a health information website with an extensive selection of supplements that are carefully curated from trusted brands.   





  • Google Keyword Planner 
  • American Health Association  


Part of Search Intelligence Ltd. Company registered in England No. 09361526


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