Have you ever heard “voices” in your head? Most people would probably say yes — when they’re struggling to work out a problem, when they’re daydreaming, when they do something that they instantly regret. But Dr. Pieter Noomen heard a different kind of voice. He called it “the Real Reality.”
He believed he was personally being addressed by what some might call God, Allah, the deity, Supreme Being, the King of Kings … whatever you might want to call Him or Her. According to Dr. Noomen, the voice simply referred to himself as “the Real Reality.”
Whether you believe him or not, the late Dr. Noomen left behind an enormous collection of writings that many say are filled with uplifting advice, information, insights and stories that can, at the very least, give one a pause to ponder, and very possibility provide helpful guidance and lift spirits. It’s all available for free to anyone and everyone, anytime, at his website, www.wordsforall.org.
Dr. Noomen passed away in 2019, but he left the following explanation of what he says he experienced:
“Born in the Netherlands, I completed doctoral studies in theology and pastoral psychology at the Free University of Amsterdam and became senior minister of three Protestant churches. Later I worked as a psychotherapist and as a staff member of a Los Angeles metropolitan church. I was involved in mental health issues like suicide prevention and hospice. I hesitate to provide specific personal data, not because there are things to hide, but because my not-spectacular background may, in a negative way, influence readers who are not familiar with the world in which I grew up and later lived: the Western European and the North American culture.
“The particulars of my life as an average person are not too interesting, except that they may, hopefully, lead to the wondering, ‘If someone like him was given the possibility to be in direct contact with the full, the Real Reality, while still on earth, then it must be possible for me, too.’
“My own experiences on the spiritual level — dealt with throughout this website — didn't change my personal external circumstances, that is, not on the surface. Yet, completely new became that now I can approach all external and internal 'facts' from having knowledge of the real 'facts' behind our 'facts'. This website reports all the information I received. Access to the Source of that information is available for any human being who truly desires to connect with the One Full, Eternal and Universal Reality.”
An example from Dr. Noomen’s website (www.wordsforall.org):
"The essence of living is love. It's life's meaning. Its substance is the realness, truth. Applying it will make you keenly aware of the important role you play in the total. You're a precious piece of truth happening; through and in it can My nature show. You are incorporated in eternal life. Thanks also to you, the universe can function."
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