Thursday, October 26, 2023

Amazing Arts - Dr. Seuss’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas! at CTC (MN): Actor Interview

I recently had a chance to interview Reed Sigmund, who will be portraying the Grinch in the upcoming CTC production Dr. Seuss’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas!. I've seen the show before, and it's definitely something the entire family can enjoy! Reed's portrayal of the Grinch allows for a lot of incredibly expressive acting, and it's funny and heartwarming at the same time.

What is it like to portray a well-known children's literature character like the Grinch?
There’s a tiny bit of pressure and a whole lot of fun! Countless people love the Grinch! They’ve loved him for awhile now, and will probably love him forever. The last thing I want to do is disappoint them. So while that pressure is certainly present, there’s nothing more fun than putting on all that fur and becoming a character with such a wild personality. I get to be angry, giddy, sad, annoyed, confused, and loving! Each performance is a roller coaster ride!

This show has played several times at the CTC. How do actors, choreographers, and directors work together to give it a balance of familiarity and novelty?
We lean on the script, characters, and story to bring the familiarity. We make sure those things are in place and match all our audience’s expectations. Then we start to work and play! We dig into the relationships of these characters. We listen. We react. We surprise each other. And ourselves! This Seussian world is so rich with possibilities that it’s impossible to stop exploring. That exploration of relationships and character dynamics keeps the story fresh and relevant every year!

What is something that will be particularly special about this year's production?
In 2012, Peter Brosius directed this show for the very first time. And that year, he brought me along to play the Grinch for the very first time. This is now our 6th collaboration on the story during those past 11 years. It has been such an exhilarating, wonderfully challenging, and fulfilling experience and partnership! But now this will be our last time heading to Whoville together. Peter is such a passionate and inspiring leader and friend. He’s changed my world forever. In countless amazing ways. I’m just so grateful. And trying to savor every little second of this year’s journey.

Besides the CTC winter show (whether it's the Grinch or something else) what is another favorite winter holiday tradition for you?
My favorite holiday tradition is, and always will be, the tree. Our family heads out on the same day every year, (whether it’s raining, shining, freezing, snowing, or storming) and I use the world's dullest saw to cut down the worlds most stubborn tree. It’s exhausting and silly and beautiful. I’m already counting down the days.

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