Monday, October 23, 2023

Enriching Education - College Enrollment Decline

Over 2.1 million fewer students are enrolled in college now than a decade ago - a 12.8% decline. In the new report from, we examine the massive economic impact of that decline.

After crunching the numbers, we found that the total potential loss of lifetime earnings by the over 2 million students skipping out on college could exceed $2 trillion.

You can view the methodology, as well as data visualizations here:

Other Interesting Data:
  • 63% of students who enroll end up earning a bachelor's degree. Of the 2,091,550 lost students over the last decade, that's 1,317,677 bachelor degrees lost.
  • Of those lost bachelor's degrees, 366,898 would have gone on to get their master's and 78,903 would have gotten their doctorates. 
  • The cost of attending college has risen at 3x the rate of inflation over the last 40 years, while real average wages have barely budged.

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