Thursday, October 12, 2023

Pet Pointers - America's Love Affair with Pets

Ever wondered if there's a state where you're more likely to hear a meow than anywhere else? The answer might surprise you! In our recent research, Vermont emerged as the cat capital of the US! But what does this say about Vermonters?

It’s an extensive report on the Pet Industry in the US - backed by enormous data and numbers .

Key Findings:

  • Millennials have shown an overwhelming love for cats, with every respondent in this age bracket owning one.
  • Cats find home in 46.5 million households, which is 2nd to dogs, with 65 million homes in the US!
  • Vermont is the top cat state, with an impressive 45% of its residents being cat owners.
  • Maine isn't far behind, showcasing a 44% cat ownership rate.
  • West Virginia and Indiana both exhibit a notable 38% cat-loving statistic.
  • Other states like New Hampshire and Iowa also have strong cat affinity, but Vermont and Maine undoubtedly lead the pack.

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