Monday, December 4, 2023

Caring Connections - Family Happiness Survey

 Love is the deepest emotion we can feel- especially when it comes to our kids and our parents. 

Mixbook surveyed 1969 Americans to find out where American families were the happiest and what qualities they deemed were important to have a happy, healthy family.

Key Findings:

  • Families in Tennessee are the happiest by state, and families in Virginia Beach are the happiest by city. 

    • Families in Oregon are the least happy. Portland also ranks #1 city with the least happy families.  

  • 1 in 4 Americans are in touch daily with family members outside of their home.

  • The average American ranks their family's happiness as 7.3 out of 10.

  • Watching TV together & dining together are the two ways American families bond the most.
  • 74% of Americans would describe their family as happier than most.

Take a look at the full Mixbook study

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