Saturday, December 9, 2023

Healthy Habits - RSV

In a world where respiratory viruses pose a constant threat to our well-being, understanding the risks and adopting preventive measures becomes key in facing this issue. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is a daunting opponent, much like the flu and COVID-19, spreading through the air and close contact. In this thoughtful Q&A session with Glory Dolphin Hammes, CEO of IQAir, we explore why awareness of RSV is crucial, delve into effective protective measures individuals can take, and shed light on the pivotal role air filters play in safeguarding our health, especially during the winter months. Discover the essential insights that can empower you to navigate the upcoming season with confidence and prioritize your respiratory health. 

  1. Why is it important for people to be aware of the risk of respiratory viruses such as RSV?RSV is a serious respiratory illness that is spread from person to person, much like the flu and COVID-19. It is airborne and contracted through touch and close contract with a person who has it.
  2. What are some ways that people can protect themselves?
    Essentially, we need to follow the same protocols as COVID-19 to protect ourselves. Keep a safe distance; wash your hands regularly; don't touch your face; wear a mask; and use an air purifier.
  3. What role do air filters play in maintaining good health during the winter months?
    As we cozy up indoors, we can tighten up our homes by closing window to filter the air so that we are constantly reducing the amount of pollutants indoors. We also need to have high-level filtration for our events and gatherings with friends and family and always follow protection protocols.

The common respiratory virus known as Respiratory Syncytical Virus Infection (RSV) that causes mild, cold-like symptoms, is spreading at unusually high levels, overwhelming children’s hospitals across the country amid an increase in cases. This year, cases are trending upwards so far, according to CDC.

As we enter into the holiday season, it's important to factor in the chance of transmission. While most people recover in one to two weeks, RSV can be serious, especially in infants and older adults. It is the most common cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in children younger than one year of age in the United States. 

 IQAir, is working to ensure that everyone has access to clean air, and their air-cleaning solutions protect against particle pollution that can be harmful to your health. 

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