Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Healthy Habits - Staying on Track During the Holidays

It’s hard to make healthy choices during the holidays. We are surrounded by delicious foods and busy calendars keeping us in go-mode. Emotions run high during the holiday season, too. Cue the food cravings.

Emotional eating impacts many individuals who are overweight or have obesity. People who struggle with emotional eating can stay committed to their health goals this season with some simple strategies to help them stay mindful through the holidays and in the new year ahead.

  • Increase your physical activity. Incorporate extra steps into your meetups with friends and family. Park farther away from the shopping mall to get some extra steps in. Set an alarm while working that reminds you to stand up and move for two minutes, five times a day.

  • Make healthier food choices. The holidays are known for an overabundance of cakes and pies and other treats, so remember to balance them with fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and other nutritious foods that your body needs for overall good health.

  • Reduce your stress. Take a self-care moment for yourself, which could be a warm bath, good book, or relaxing activity. Set realistic expectations, accepting that things won’t be perfect or always go as planned. Practice gratitude and mindfulness. Remember self-care is not selfish.

  • Get some sleep. Restful nights can reduce stress, boost emotional stability, and even help prevent overeating. Getting the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep a night can help your body rest and recharge.

Emotional eating and struggling with cravings are just some of the underlying causes of weight struggles. There’s no one size fits all approach to medically treating obesity, and so there’s a need for different types of medication to treat it. One proven prescription treatment is available for people who are overweight or living with obesity and is uniquely designed to reduce hunger and control cravings—so people can lose weight and keep it off. It targets two areas of the brain that cause hunger and cravings.

In this interview, hear from Dr. Angie Golden, Family Nurse Practitioner at the NP Obesity Treatment Clinic along with Janet, who has recently had a weight loss journey assisted by the above mentioned treatment. Both will discuss challenges to weight loss during the stressful holiday season and the proven prescription treatment and how it can help people lose weight and keep it off.

Interview is courtesy: Currax Pharmaceuticals, LLC

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