Thursday, December 7, 2023

Terrific Tech: Dysolve AI

Dyslexia was often considered a lifelong condition because standard approaches could only help individuals through a one-size-fits-all approach. Modern methods, however, can now respond uniquely to the language processing needs of each person.

Dysolve – the only intelligent program for diagnosing and correcting processing problems associated with dyslexia – implemented this approach, debunking prevalent myths that have persisted for years. It is based on the patented Coral Method that builds tests and training cells for each student. Its AI system resolves students’ underlying processing difficulties through daily correction. Interactive verbal games are customized to evaluate individuals, learn from their responses, and successfully remove the root cause of dyslexia.

Co-invented by Dr. Coral Hoh, based on her fieldwork on language disorders and dyslexia for nearly three decades, The Dysolve Program is an automated version of a one-on-one relearning program that has successfully corrected the symptoms of dyslexia for students. This relearning program has been used successfully in New York State since 2007. It is offered in the cloud, allowing members to log on at any time or place through their PCs or mobile devices. Dysolve costs $1,000 per student, compared to School Special Services at $10,000.

I had a chance to learn more in this interview.

What are some common myths surrounding dyslexia?
Myth 1 - Dyslexia is a lifelong condition
Dyslexia has been corrected in children by an artificial intelligence (AI) program, Dysolve® since 2017. These children were previously diagnosed with dyslexia by certified specialists and failed reading tests yearly. After using Dysolve®, they were able to process language like typical children and passed state reading tests.

Myth 2 - People with dyslexia see letters backwards
Dyslexia is not a sight problem. Some people with dyslexia mix up b and d because these are similar sounding. People with dyslexia may have difficulty tying letters to sounds.

Myth 3 - Dyslexia is not common
At least 1 in 5 people has dyslexia, i.e., 20% of the population. A lot more have difficulty processing language, the root of dyslexia.

Myth 4 - Children outgrow reading problems
Research shows that children who are still struggling with reading in 3rd grade will likely remain so throughout their school years regardless of the intervention used. Only AI has succeeded in breaking this cycle.

What are some things families can do to support children with dyslexia?
  • Children with dyslexia find reading difficult because they have problems processing language. First, they should be evaluated for language processing difficulties. Dysolve® is the only program that does this evaluation.
  • If the evaluation shows processing difficulties, the child should continue with Dysolve® until the difficulties are corrected.
  • In the interim, families may simplify language tasks, e.g.,
    • Listening comprehension - break down oral instructions into very small chunks
    • Writing - allow students to sketch out their ideas first; then translate the sketches into sentences
  • Communicate with teachers so that they do not think that the child is lazy or unmotivated because of missed assignments or low test scores.
What is the role of AI in working with students with dyslexia?
The latest AI technology can now resolve dyslexia independently, without human assistance. In fact, only AI can resolve this massively complex problem. Computer technology can deliver and record activities in 100s of milliseconds, the speed of language processing in the brain. Dysolve®, which uses first-of-its-kind, patented technology, evaluates and corrects dyslexia for each child through customized verbal games. In the course of intervention, a child may go through thousands of these AI-generated games. Through daily training, Dysolve® AI incrementally corrects processing difficulties to enable the child to learn to read effectively.

Please describe how you started Dysolve® and how it is helping students with dyslexia.
I have a PhD in Linguistics and specialized in Clinical Linguistics due to my interest in the brain sciences and in helping children with brain conditions like dyslexia. My work on dyslexia started when I helped out a friend whose son was struggling with reading. I evaluated him with tests I designed myself, to save her $2,000 for a specialist’s evaluation. From the results, I could see his problem clearly but did not know how to solve it at that time.

So I started researching dyslexia and realized that nobody else knew how to solve it either. Linguistics helped me understand how massively complex this language condition really is and what it takes to correct it. I spent over 30 years working on language conditions in all their diversity to put pieces of the puzzle together. The company I founded, EduNational, spent a decade building an AI system to correct language processes in the brain. Dysolve® worked exceptionally well right from the start. The first group of users advanced from below the 25th percentile in standardized reading tests to above the 50th in 1-2 years. Many achieved Honors and High Honors in high school and are now thriving in college. Their stories are told in our book, Dyslexia Dissolved: Successful Cases of Learning Disabilities, ADHD and Language Disorders. This is what we want to see in the over 10 million children who have dyslexia in this country.


Dr. Coral PS Hoh is a clinical linguist who has worked with children and families on a broad spectrum of language-related conditions for over 30 years. In addition to her research publications, she writes for parents at Dysolve Blog and Dysolve Dyslexia on facebook to share insights on learning disabilities, ADHD and other common brain conditions. She served on an editorial board of the National Association for Gifted Children and is the architect of Dysolve AI.


Dysolve® is running a limited promotion offer that provides a customized evaluation for dyslexia @$100 per student. An evaluation by human specialists usually costs a few thousand dollars. Dysolve® evaluation is the only kind that can serve as a blueprint for dyslexia correction.

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