Friday, December 22, 2023

Terrific Tech - Expanding the Connected Home with Indoor Air Quality Monitoring

Your connected home uses integrated devices to control and monitor various aspects of your home remotely or on-site. These devices are a fun and trendy way to manage aspects of daily life including household chores, communications, entertainment, and security. Adding an app for monitoring air quality for radon levels could be more than just trendy, though—it could save your life.

The need for monitoring radon levels in your home

Naturally occurring radon gas seeps upward through the soil as any trace uranium present decays. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finds that exposure to radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer, outstripped only by smoking. Each year, lung cancer attributed to radon poisoning claims over 21,000 lives in the United States. 

Radon enters into your home through improperly sealed pipes, drains, porous walls, and foundation cracks. Outdoors, radon gas dissipates quickly, but when trapped inside a home, it can reach dangerously high levels.

How radon gas is measured 

We measure radon gas in picocuries per liter of air (pCi/L). Outdoors, you will encounter average radon levels between 0.1 and 0.4 pCi/L. 

Indoors, you may detect higher levels. The higher the radon level, the greater the risk is to your health. When radon levels reach 4.0 pCi/L, the EPA advises action to mitigate the radon level. 

Radon detectors provide ongoing and real-time radon measurements in a connected home 

Today’s connected homes enable you to start up your vacuum or close your garage door from miles away. Now your connected home can constantly monitor the level of radon and deliver real-time results straight to your smartphone or tablet devices. 

Monitoring the radon level in your connected  home with a smart detector like the EcoQube is quick, easy, and affordable. You receive your first results just ten minutes after activating your device. The detector delivers these results straight to your smartphones If radon levels in your home exceed an acceptable threshold, notifications from your smartphone  inform you immediately. Ten-minute updates on radon levels allow you to open your windows and doors and track the effects of the increased ventilation. 

The importance of accurate and consistent monitoring for radon gas 

The EcoQube is highly accurate, offering 15 times higher sensitivity than industry requirements. This palm-sized device has patented ion chamber technology that rivals the accuracy of research-grade instruments. 

When it comes to safety in your connected home, an accurate fast radon detector is every bit as important as window and door monitors, a smoke detector, and a carbon monoxide detector. Because radon levels fluctuate, the best monitoring is long-term and continuous. You’ll have peace of mind knowing your house is safe by tracking radon levels minute by minute. For more information on EcoQube, you can visit our website.


Insoo Park is the Founder and CEO of Ecosense. Based in the heart of Silicon Valley, Ecosense is a leader in and trusted provider of both professional and consumer radon detection and monitoring solutions that are easy to use, accurate, and fast. The company’s smart real-time radon detectors utilize a patented radon sensor technology with high accuracy, delivering reliable results in minutes, not days. The EcoQube was named to TIME’s List of the 100 Best Inventions of 2021 and previously was recognized as a CES 2021 Innovation Awards Honoree in the health and wellness category. November is radon action month, and the Canadian National Radon Proficiency Program (C-NRPP) released a report on the 2023 intercomparison study of continuous radon monitors. The study. featured Ecosense as the industry’s leader in radon detection.

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