Friday, February 2, 2024

Book Nook - Educational Books on Tough Topics for Kids with Dr. Deborah Hollimon

 Educating Children on Divorce 

We all know that dealing with divorce can be difficult and confusing for children of all ages. Anyone going through a divorce where there are children involved should consider this resource as an aid to help them get through the emotions they may have to deal with and help them explain in a child-oriented way that they are still loved.

Educating Children on Racism 

Kurye is a young girl who is very helpful and friendly. She is excited to learn that her family is moving to another neighborhood. She can’t wait to make new friends! One day, Kurye meets one of the kids in the neighborhood. His name was Filipe and he is not very nice to Kurye, and she doesn’t understand why. 

After open and honest conversations, they quickly realize they are more alike than different, and become friends.

Educating Children on Death

We all know that dealing with death is inevitable and can be very difficult for children of all ages. This book explains to a child that although death is part of life, it does not always make sense, and enables your child to understand the emotions related to death in a way to help ease the pain.

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