Thursday, February 22, 2024

Book Nook - Kale Sudhoff Author Interview

I had a chance to interview Kale Sudhoff, a dynamic 19-year-old author empowering children through his books. His captivating stories delve into themes of self-belief, diversity and inclusivity, leadership,

and emotional intelligence, especially for children living with a disability.

Why did you decide to become an author, particularly for children's books? Growing up, I had a stutter that was especially evident while I was reading so I was made fun of a lot, and as a result I wanted nothing to do with books. I’ve always loved drawing, it was a great stress reliever, and over time I was able to get pretty good at it. It wasn’t until I had what I believe to be an encounter with God that I was convinced to start writing, and I was astonished at how natural it felt to me. I was able to gain confidence through this and read my books to large crowds. It was actually at my first school visit that I decided I wanted to study to become a teacher along with continuing my author/illustrator career. This never would have come about without Jesus Christ who can take your biggest insecurities and make them your triumphs.

Why is it so important for kids to have books with themes like inclusivity and self-confidence? One thing that I absolutely love is when I receive pictures of kids reading and enjoying my books. What I love even more is when I see children with special needs enjoying my books because they get to see someone like them being represented in a book. Through this they can see that there was someone different like them in the book who didn’t let their limitations define them, and if those in the book can overcome their trials then so can they building their self-confidence. Being inclusive of everyone is so important and I hope that through my books children can see that.  

How can families use books to help kids learn about emotional intelligence? My book Stewart H. Quills and His Explosive Emotions deals with controlling emotions and expressing them in healthy ways.  I think books like this can be used by families to teach children that their emotions and how they feel are valued and important. They can also help families talk about emotions together and how best to express them in different situations. 

Kale Sudhoff, aged 19, is an accomplished author and illustrator renowned for his children's books. With a passion for storytelling, Kale seamlessly weaves important life lessons into his narratives, encouraging children to embrace their emotions and believe in themselves. Through his relatable characters and engaging storytelling style, Kale continues to leave a lasting impact on the world of children's literature especially those living with disabilities.

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