Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Money Makers - Age Discrimination in Recruitment

 Taking part in recruiting processes is an inevitable part of our professional lives. From sending tens or hundreds of applications and attending endless interviews to constantly refreshing the inbox and waiting by the phone, job hunting can take a toll on one's mental health. 

That's why Zety, a leading career website, surveyed nearly 1,000 workers to find out what the biggest challenges and obstacles in job seeking are and what the perfect recruitment process looks like.
Here are the most interesting findings:
  • Are job ads ageist? According to 77% of our respondents, most job postings target people under 40.

  • Additionally, 78% of participants believe they’ve been discriminated against during the hiring process because of their age.
  • But age isn't the only reported bias. 69% have experienced feeling discriminated against because of their appearance.

  • The best tip to attract top talent: showcase flexibility. 79% of respondents said they would be more inclined to apply for a job if it offered flexible work arrangements.

  • On the other hand, the biggest deterrents in job ads include vague job descriptions71% of people would be discouraged from applying for a role if the description was too ambiguous.

  • If you dislike job posting buzzwords, you're not alone. 75% of participants find them annoying, with the top three most hated phrases being: “Able to work under pressure, “Proven track record,” and “A young, energetic team.
"The good news is that more and more companies are adopting the employee-centered approach to hiring." said Jacques Buffett, Career Expert at Zety.

To view the full report with more information, please visit

The findings presented were obtained by surveying 979 respondents online via a bespoke polling tool on February 22, 2023. They were asked questions about job hunting and the recruitment process. These included yes/no questions, scale-based questions relating to levels of agreement with a statement, questions that permitted the selection of multiple options from a list of potential answers, and a question that permitted open responses. All respondents included in the study passed an attention-check question.

About Zety 
Zety is the leading career website providing the ultimate career toolbox to help everyone find their dream job. Fueled by the best career experts and a community of millions of readers, Zety shares a range of innovative resume templatescover letter templates, expert advice, and resources to empower job seekers at every stage of their career journey. Launched in 2016, Zety has helped millions of job seekers across the globe find employment. With a rapidly growing community of more than 40 million readers, Zety is regarded as “the best online resume builder” on the market and has been featured in Forbesthe Financial TimesThe Guardian, and HuffPost, among many others. Follow Zety on FacebookLinkedIn, and Twitter to stay connected and receive the latest updates.

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