Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Parenting Pointers - Tips from Lawyer and Mom-preneur Brooke Goff

 Ask any new parent to describe the most difficult aspect of having a baby and most will exclaim: the sleep deprivation!  In fact, sleep specialists at John Hopkins Hospital in New York City encourage all parents to take a much-needed nap when their newborn sleeps during the day. Attorney Brooke Goff, a high-profile, openly gay female lawyer in Connecticut is too busy building a legal empire to heed this advice!  On March 1st - National Baby Sleep Day, the 37-year-old mother for the second time shares her secrets of success in raising her 11-year-old son Greyson and 4-month-old daughter Victoria, while suiting up and showing up for her wife, Angeline, family, employees, law clients, and overall community.

“The fear of not giving my children a better life than I had is my #1 motivator in getting out of bed each day even after a night of very little sleep,” said Brooke Goff, founder and managing partner of Goff Law Group, a contemporary personal injury firm in Connecticut. “Family is everything and I’m not afraid to grind it out on the business front now to ensure lifelong success despite any odds. In fact, if you tell me that I can’t do something, I’ll find a way to make it possible!”

That was her impetus in creating Goff Law Group 7 years ago as the state’s largest solely women-owned and operated personal injury firm, boasting 11 female staff lawyers, a modern-day refresh in a typically male-dominated industry.  Additionally, the firm embraces and utilizes the latest technology, like Zoom, FaceTime, and other electronic video means to provide direct contact to its skilled attorneys throughout the day - a must for a Mom-preneur like Goff. 

Goff notes the job similarities between being a lawyer and a mother: both come with high demands, require focused attention and exceptional multi-tasking skills, as well as successfully solving a variety of problems.

“As female lawyers, we bring a maternal approach to the way we handle cases, which benefits the client all around,” she adds. “At home I am juggling a household with young children with immediate needs, and at the office I am representing clients that need urgent help in resolving devastating situations.  Being a working mother is truly a superpower!”

In fact, Goff has discovered some tried and true tips for getting baby Victoria to sleep quickly so that she can simultaneously run and grow the business.  These include:

  • Rocking with one hand and holding the pacifier with the other;
  • Writing television scripts and billboard slogans with one hand while rocking the baby with the other;
  • Singing songs about the law to the baby while she falls asleep (never to early to learn);
  • Patting baby’s butt with one hand and holding the pacifier with the other hand at the same time;
  • Rocking in the chair, while eating dinner with one hand;
  • Softly humming and singing or playing classical/instrumental music on the radio (pandora is our go to);
  • Rocking baby in the chair with one hand and sending work emails and texts with the other; and
  • Hiring a night nurse, if financially possible

Goff highlights a final tip - bringing baby to work.  Here, she has become a local celebrity across the tri-state region with her bold and fun billboards, and TV and radio advertising campaigns designed to educate the public about the law and their rights.  In fact, she is the first modern day female personal injury lawyer in the country to promote her latest pregnancy on a billboard, which attracted national media attention, and recently launched a Facebook Live series entitled, “Bake and Sips” in which she shares free legal advice, while cooking with her children in tow.  The series has generated 14K followers and sparked ongoing commentary. 

To view current and past episodes, visit: https://www.facebook.com/gofflawyer/.

Lastly, Goff addresses the underlying stigma of being a working mother, especially in the legal field. “If you are a pregnant or female lawyer with children, you often lose out on job opportunities because top management is automatically assuming that you’ll be out of the office for maternity leave or sick days,” she adds.  “My experience is that women do the same amount of work in eight hours that others do in twelve. It is not because they are working less, it is that they have learned  excellent time management strategies and understand that every minute is an opportunity to complete a task, all while exercising patience and diligence often on little to no sleep.”

As for Goff’s future plans, “If I do nothing else, I hope to inspire girls and empower women everywhere that being a female CEO and mother is not only fantasy, but in fact, a reality if you want it badly enough and work hard for it.  I’m living proof!”

About Goff Law Group

Founded in 2017, Goff Law Group is a woman-owned and operated personal injury law firm comprised of experienced female attorneys with various litigation backgrounds and skillsets.  The company focuses solely on personal injury law as its master craft.  The company utilizes technology to enhance the client experience and remain diligent in servicing their various needs 24/7 including holidays. The firm’s foundation is built on its aggressive, no-nonsense tactics, free consultations, direct attorney access and a 99% resolution result rate.  Visit www.gofflawgroup.net for more information.

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