Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Consumer Critique - Social Skills Activity Deck for Kids

 There's a lot to think about for kids as they learn to build relationships - sharing, listening, understanding, and more. It can be especially tricky for neurodivergent kids. As the parent of two neurodivergent kids (ADHD and ASD) I've had to work hard to instill social skills in them - especially as someone who is neurodivergent myself. Although my kids are a little older than the target age range, I was happy to review Social Skills Activity Deck for Kids.

I used to teach K-8 choir, and while I was flipping through this deck, I couldn't help but think about all the ways I would have used it in the classroom there - for homeroom activities, as icebreakers in class, movement breaks between songs, etc. As a parent, this would have made great rainy-day activities too! The prompts are all pretty fun and engaging - they're obviously targeted towards younger kids, but could successfully be used for older kids too. The illustrations are fun, and many of the activities could be done over again, allowing kids to practice social skills in different groups - and encourage them to mix with kids who they don't normally hang out with.

BRAD PETERSEN started his path in education as a teacher in Houston, TX. He then went on to co-found, design, and build an innovative elementary school in Idaho, Future Public School. After leading Brighter Fun, a children’s universal design group, he now writes full-time. Brad loves riding bikes, reading books, and swimming. He lives in Michigan with his wife, two children, dog, and cat.

BETSY PETERSEN is an artist, illustrator, and entrepreneur. In her art business, she collaborates with creative organizations to create fun and playful designs. Her most recent book, I Am Quiet, was the Goodreads winner for Best Middle Grade and Children’s Book

2022. Betsy loves running, reading books, and playing outside. She lives in Michigan with her husband, two children, dog, and cat.

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