Thursday, April 11, 2024

Fun Freetime - Top Dream Car Makes in Each State

 Luxury cars are the ultimate status symbol for many Americans, however, perceptions can vary depending on location and consumer preference. 

Tinting Chicago surveyed over 2,000 American consumers about the luxury vehicles they see on their roadways the most and which makes are most impressive.

Key Takeaways:

  • BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Porche are the luxury cars Americans see the most on the road. 

  • In terms of non-luxury cars, Americans believe Acura, Volvo, and Jeep make people look impressive. 
  • On the topic of dream cars, Americans surprisingly prefer Ford, Toyota, and Tesla.
  • Over 4 in 10 Americans don't believe electric vehicles are high-status cars. 
  • More than a quarter of respondents say they drive more cautiously around high-status vehicles. 

Take a look at the full report and let me know if you can use any of this data for a story.

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