Monday, April 8, 2024

Thrifty Thinking - Saving Loose Change for Your Next Trip

 there's something incredibly nostalgic about putting spare change into a piggy bank — and what else are you going to do with physical change these days?!

Downside? It's not the most lucrative of saving methods: In fact, in a survey by travel company GET, Americans who saved for travel by stowing away spare change and cash in a safe place would take nearly 5 years (4 years, 11 months, and 16 days, to be exact) to afford a week of vacation!

A new survey of 2,000+ Americans found that it takes roughly 1 month and 2 weeks to save for a weekend getaway using a typical savings account.

Looking to plan a longer trip with the kids? Here's what else they found:

  • The most common (65%) saving method Americans reported using for travel was a typical savings account. It would take 8 months and 2 days for a long-term trip (5+ days).

  • Americans who used a high-yield savings account saved the most quickly: 28 days to save for a short-term and 5 months for a long-term trip.

  • You can save for your next trip via piggy bank, but it will take quite a bit of patience: 10 months and 20 days for a short-term and 4 years, 11 months, and 16 days for a long-term trip.

  • Where are they headed? 84% of those who have never traveled abroad desired to — this rises to 92% in Gen Zs. A trip to Japan was the most common dream international vacation. It ranked highest with men (24%) and Gen Zs (28%).

A short trip was defined as a weekend getaway, an overnight trip, or a couple of days.

Find more national insights and where each state would like to go here

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