Thursday, May 23, 2024

Healthy Habits - Maternal Mental Health Month Data

 Moms do it all and are often labeled as ‘selfless.’ While that’s a good thing at times, they also need time to themselves and there's no better time to be reminded of this as May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month.

new study is breaking down what moms in America say they need found that 42% wish they had more time to themselves.

Other key findings:

  • When it comes to moms’ peace and quiet, 86% say they need it for their mental health, while 73% need it to remain happy and positive.
  • On average, 1 in 4 moms have less than 2 hours to themselves each week.

  • Half of moms wish their spouse/partner helped with chores more often.

  • If they have to ask for help with chores or tasks, 70% of moms say they'd rather do it themselves.

  • Moms' favorite ways to spend free time: Watching TV/movies, catching up on sleep, personal care.

You can find more study findings here.

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