Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Terrific Tech - AI Survey

 Americans use AI in their everyday lives more than they realize. So, a new study had people answer questions to get honest about how often they use AI, and how they treat the technology.

Key findings:

  • 1 in 3 Americans have expressed anger or frustration toward an AI.

  • Generally, people are ruder to AI the more frequently they use it.

  • The main way people express frustration toward AI is by raising their voices, insulting, & belittling.

  • Hourly AI users are 50% more likely to be impatient afterward with people they encounter than weekly users.

  • On average, the older people are, the nicer to AI they are.
  • Gen Z is the least likely to be as nice to AI customer service as they are with human.

  • 82% of Americans who are nice to AI claim this courtesy stems from an automated habit rather than conscious effort.

You can find local data and more on how Americans use AI here.

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