Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Smart Safety - Home Lawn Care Accident Survey

Yard chores might seem mundane, but unsafe practices can lead to injury, illness, or even death.

Over the past decade, 3.2 million U.S. residents have been injured while working on their lawns or in their gardens. Lawn mower accidents cost patients an average of $37,000 in medical treatment.

LawnStarter surveyed over 1,000 U.S. homeowners about their history, habits, and concerns related to lawn care accidents and injuries.

Read on for a preview of U.S. homeowners’ lawn care habits and concerns.

Key Insights:

  • 6.8% of U.S. homeowners are “very concerned” and 17.6% are “somewhat concerned” about accidents or injuries from handling lawn care maintenance.
  • 21.2% have experienced a serious injury while working on the lawn and landscape, with 7.9% of those respondents seeking off-site medical treatment. 
  • Most injuries resulted from picking up debris or heavy items (19.5%), kneeling, squatting, or bending over (18.6%), and weed whacking (13.2%). 

For the full survey results, along with demographic-specific insights, please visit: https://www.lawnstarter.com/blog/studies/home-lawn-care-accidents-survey/ 

Hire a local LawnStarter crew to safely handle all your lawn care and landscaping needs while you enjoy the air-conditioned comforts of your home.

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