Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Thrifty Thinking - FSAs/HSAs and the Health-E Commerce and Bilt Labs Partnership

 It’s estimated that 8 out of 10 Americans deal with foot-pain caused by conditions like Morton's Neuroma, Gout and Neuropathy. As a result, consumers spend an average of $228 each month trying to find relief from foot pain. Luckily, a new collaboration between Health-E Commerce and Bilt Labs will make it easier for millions of people who are enrolled in health savings accounts (HSAs) and flexible spending accounts (FSAs) to purchase orthotic inserts with tax-free healthcare funds.

I had a chance to learn more in this interview.

Why do people often overlook orthotic inserts as a way to take care of certain conditions?
“Most people underestimate the importance of foot alignment and foot health or consider it secondary. Many people focus on the visible or point of pain itself throughout the body.  However, everything from knee pain, hip pain, back pain up the body to neck pain and even headaches caused by neck tension can be traced to the body's kinetic alignment being off, which all starts at the feet. So, while they focus on the pain point directly, they don’t take into consideration the underlying issue itself, which is commonly their feet. At the same time, many people do not know custom insoles are an option for foot concerns. Custom orthotics are not available at most stores, and only if someone has gone to a doctor who recommends custom orthotic insoles, do they know they are an option.”  – Jeremy Overturf, managing director, Bilt Labs

What might surprise people about orthotic inserts, in terms of how they can help?
While many people use custom orthotics to solve specific foot conditions like flat feet or plantar fasciitis, they may not realize that orthotic inserts can be used as a preventive measure, as well. For example, foot fatigue is a common issue we see among restaurant workers, contractors and hairstylists who are on their feet for extended hours. As a result, the overworked muscles start to fatigue, but orthotics can help keep feet in alignment and keep tension off the foot muscles, reducing fatigue and preventing injuries. People are surprised by how fast custom orthotics can work. While not everyone gets immediate relief, we have many customers saying they no longer have to take pain medication after using the custom insoles for only a couple days. – Jeremy Overturf, managing director, Bilt Labs
Why is a collaboration like this helpful for consumers?
Flexible spending accounts (FSAs) and health savings accounts (HSAs) are extremely valuable for families because they reduce taxable income and help pay for healthcare expenses. However, if an account holder doesn’t understand the wide variety of products and services that are eligible, then they won’t realize the full value and can miss out on significant savings. Our collaboration with Bilt Labs educates individuals and families about FSA and HSA eligibility and allows them to benefit from services like custom orthotics by giving them direct access at and Bilt Labs is part of Health-E Commerce’s growing telehealth category, through which we are making healthcare more accessible for FSA and HSA users everywhere. – Allyson Ciance, director of external partnerships, Health-E Commerce

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