Friday, August 16, 2024

Caring Causes - Summer Blood Shortage


This summer’s record setting heat is a significant contributor to recent blood collection challenges impacting more than 100 blood drives in the last month — in nearly every state where the American Red Cross collects blood. The extreme temperatures have exacerbated traditional seasonal obstacles to blood donation, such as vacation travel and summer activities, creating an emergency blood shortage.


Blood donations are going out the door faster than they are coming in, causing the Red Cross national blood inventory to plumet 25% in July.  The Red Cross is working with hospitals around the clock to meet the blood needs of patientsHowever, due to the supply of type O blood being so low, distributions of this vital blood type are reduced below what hospitals count on.


In this interview, listen as Dr. Baia Lasky, divisional chief medical officer at the American Red Cross discusses the need for blood donors to address the emergency blood shortage, how donated blood helps patients in need of lifesaving medical care and how to set up an appointment.

 “Having type O blood products readily available is vital to providing timely and lifesaving care to patients in need,” says Dr. Lasky. “In fact, for a patient suffering massive blood loss, like an individual in a car accident or a mom experiencing a severe postpartum hemorrhage, group O is the most commonly transfused blood type.  

More than a quarter of all blood products each year are used in critical care and emergency room situations — those transfusions are only available because of the generosity of blood and platelet donors.”

 The Red Cross urgently calls on blood and platelet donors of all types—especially those with Type O blood—to give now. As a thank you, everyone who comes to donate blood in August will receive a $20 Gift Card by email.

 Interview is courtesy: Nonprofit American Red Cross

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