Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Money Makers - Best Cities for Working Parents

 Choosing the right city can make all the difference for working parents. Our recent CoworkingCafe study ranks the top 20 U.S. cities that offer the best combination of career prospects, childcare availability, and quality of life. See the methodology section to learn more about the metrics and their respective categories.

See how the best U.S. cities for working parents performed:

  • Washington, D.C. topped the ranking with high scores in both the work and health categories, with 25% of its workforce being remote and registering 350 pediatricians per 100,000 children;
  • Seattle, WA, ranked second nationally due to its high share of remote workers at 27% of the total workforce, on top of 80% of the jobs here being office-related;
  • Arlington, VA, claimed third place overall due to a strong work environment, also recording a 27% share of remote workers out of the total workforce, as well as an 85% share of office jobs;
  • Plano, TX, led in the affordable childcare category with only 10% of the median household income spent on childcare;
  • Miami, FL, ranked first in terms of accessible educational facilities, logging more than 400 public schools per 100,000 children;
  • The West stood out with eight locations in the top 20, while the South closely followed with seven.

Read more details on the top 20 U.S. cities and what made them stand out:

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