Friday, August 9, 2024

Terrific Tech - Strange Reasons for Broken Devices

 We all know the pain of a broken phone, a cracked screen, or lost data. In fact, a new survey says 1 in 6 Brits are walking around with a cracked phone screen right now!

new survey from Secure Data Recovery UK finds out where UK residents are the clumsiest with their devices. But hey, it’s not all their fault...

A Scotland resident says “A guy in a bar who was flirting with me bit my phone which cracked the screen.” How were they supposed to know he was hungry for a hunk of metal? 

Results also show: 

  • The average Brit has spent $476.34 on phone replacements and repairs throughout their lives. 
  • 47% of people have thrown their phones by accident
  • Nearly 3 in 10 Brits say spilled food has ruined their computer.

You can read the full report here.

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