I have been given a chance to try out Relish!, a helpful meal-planning website.
The purpose of the website is to simplify your meal planning. Subscriptions are $7/month. When you subscribe, you choose entrees that sound good each week, and the site gives you your shopping list for all of the items necessary for the entrees, each of which takes less than 30 minutes to prep. The meals will cost $85 or less, and you can also get monthly freezer menus for cooking ahead. You can also get extras, like potluck and party menus. There is also a "Dime and Dash" section for menu options, that are extra-inexpensive and quick. Meals are coded for characteristics such as kid-friendly, crock pot, vegetarian, low calorie, and more.
Other helpful sections include ideas for healthy lunches; a collection of themed menus, appetizers, desserts, and more; and past menus. I love the themed menus the best - it would make a great way to prepare for a kids' party or adults' cookout. Dinner and a Movie ideas contain things like the movie Wall-E with Spaghetti and Meteorballs, Eve’s Green Leaves, Out of this World Smoothies, and Cupcakes-In-A-Cup. Ideas for adults include Do You Fondue? and Tiki Party.
Worst feature: it's not free. But it definitely is worth the cost if you're short on time and owuld like someone to help simplify your meal planning. And it is true that the meals are fast prep, and don't require amazing cooking skills to pull off.
They have offered a one-year subscription as a giveaway prize for one reader. If interested, you need to comment and let me know what your favorite go-to meal is for when you're short on time. Deadline is November 30th.
I am writing this review in exchange for a one-month free trial and sponsorship of a November giveaway.
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