Tuesday, November 10, 2009

World Wisdom: Oven Cleaning

Many ovens nowadays come with a self-cleaning feature. What this basically does is superheat the oven to bake off anything that has spilled. It takes a tremendous amount of energy (not to mention smells as it's burning off the dirt). Many conventional oven cleaners contain very caustic and toxic chemicals (hence the warning to wear gloves and use proper ventilation). There are many options, though, that aren't as hard on the earth - they just take a little extra work.

- Sprinkle baking soda on the oven. Dampen several times with a spray bottle and then let sit overnight. In the morning, scoop out the baking soda and scrub to get rid of any remaining spots.
- 1/4 c baking soda, 2 tbsp. salt, hot water as needed to make a paste; let sit 5 minutes and wipe off. For tough stains, scrub with very fine steel wool and baking soda.
- washing soda can be used in place of baking soda
- Vinegar can be used but may not work for truly stubborn stains
- Restore Oven Cleaner or Orange Plus are two commercially available cleaners that are less toxic

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