Monday, January 4, 2010

Healthy Habits: Tuna in Pregnancy

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of All opinions are 100% mine.

There's been a lot of awareness about the dangers of eating fish high in mercury - so much so, that many women quit eating all seafood completely while pregnant, and serve no seafood to their children. It is wise to be aware of mercury-high fish types, but there are many low-mercury types of fish that are perfectly safe to eat during pregnancy: canned light tuna, salmon, pollock, and others.

A study was just released highlighting yet another benefit of eating healthy tuna - avoiding depression. According to the study, pregnant mothers who ate no seafood were 50% more likely to have depression than those who ate it three times per week. It has also been shown to help promote development in the baby. Bottom line - don't be afraid to eat some seafood if you're pregnant!

I love tuna. I enjoy all kinds of seafood. Tuna is nice because it is fairly inexpensive and is easy to add to various dishes. In fact, tuna macaroni & cheese was the first meat my daughter voluntarily ate! My favorite way to cook tuna is just to mix it with a little mayo and spread it on bread, then cover with cheese (shredded or sliced). I either make it like grilled cheese or I bake it in the oven for a yummy tuna melt.

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